Corruption is like a snake, kill the head and the body dies. The problem in Kenya is that we fight the body not the head.
The leader of a nation is the person given power and authority by people to kill the head. In Rwanda, Kagame fought the head and the body died. Here uhuru asks the people, ‘mnataka nifanye nini?’. Here we blame the public and common mwanachi for corruption while the head is busy biting.
If Uhuru takes the power given by Him and stands kills the head of corruption, the body of corruption even to the mama wa mboga will die eventually. Fight the body of corruption and the head will bite you to death
When he said that infamous statement, he was right in a way. The Kenyan constitution limits him. The judging authority is independent and have a bone to pick with the executive. That’s why we need a Matiang’i-like authority who would tell judges to f**k themselves in their faces and throw these criminals ndani with the keys being flown to the Mariana trench for safekeeping
Matiang’i should be made Head of Public Service to streamline the corrupt Civil Service. Though I don’t know how much he’s doing to tame corruption in the police force (service)
When he stands fight corruption in the executive, executive will fight back in their respective ministries and it will trickled down to wanjiku. If wanjiku stands to fight corruption, and the leader (president) is not fighting it in the executive, wanjiku will be swallowed by corruption
Leaders like to blame other things for their failures and so humans. Constitution is made by the people. When the president stands and fights corruption and the people see indeed he is doing so, they will support him and they can change the constitution for him for people make laws to work for them not against them and laws, constitutions are below the people - people have power above laws made by them
If $78 million is being stolen surely it make sense to hire multi-national corporate auditors and add on a contract clause that states that if any money disappears without the govt being notified then the auditors reimburse that money.
Hapa sikubaliani naye. If he really wanted, he could have fought those guys and fuck the courts. After all they did it with Miguna. Why does he care so much about due process with the corrupt but not in other cases?
This is the same president who threatened the judges when his victory was overturnd by the court. We still recall 'we shall revisit ’ statement. The same president and his govt at large defied all the court orders to release Miguna. Now, this very president wants us believe it’s the courts against his fight against corruption. Clearly, if there is no goodwill. What do you expect from someone whose family is a major beneficiary of corrution, lastest being the infamous 5B KNH scandal?
Miguna cannot enter the country with an ID. We’re not a banana country. Not yet at least. Many have laid bare miguna’s arrogance including babuon. If you think miguna is god, start praying to him. The country broke no law when they insisted on a passport. It’s only an opposition friendly judge who ruled as such. Doesn’t mean he was right, after all judges aren’t gods. The revisit is still on course. Watch this space!
The war on corruption will only be won with a determined judiciary sio hawa escort boys. This country wud continue to be f**ked with such a constitutionality
If the problem is the judiciary, why not revisit as he promised? Should it be revisited when they appear to be a threat to his presidency? This president is a joke to the least. Priorities are out of place. Everybody knows that and thats why nobody takes him seriously when he gives warning about corruption. And by the way, there are many court orders that the govt has completely defied, including compensating the late matiba. We are a banana republic and we cant get out of it with this Kenyatta kind of leadership.