Corona Virus: Something doesn't add up.

Whi are you to insinuate so?

Bottom line, watu wajichunge tu. No one has any authoritative knowledge about it, new facts develop each day, probably in a few months it will all be figured out.

If u lack testing kits how would u get the correct number. I. E Kenya has a small number because we lack to those kits, once we get them and start testing is when we will get real data and u will be shocked.

The real data then is likely to show us that this coronavirus infection thing, though terrible, is not as bad as it has been made to look. Like if we test more widely, and discover that we have 1 million infections, and of those only 31 have led to detectable symptoms, and of those only 1 or 2 have died, it would mean that we are over-reacting. We should instead be using the money on developing ICU capacity all over, buying ventilators etc – because it is clear that only a very small percentage of the people who get covid-19 develop serious symptoms, but those turn out to be very serious symptoms.

I agree with you something does not add up. We all know the disease is real, because no govt can hide the the deaths that are happening in china, spain, italy, iran and USA. You do not need test kits to know an area has corona epidemic. People will have symptoms and seek for medical help and some will die whether they have been tested or not. The spread of this disease is not evenly distributed and does not fit natural transmission. This could be ww3

As bad means u comparing to what?

Then we ought to see mysterious deaths now that we are not thoroughly testing

Let’s take an example of this worst hit country Italy. 900+ deaths in a day. That’s nearly 40 people an hour. I would say that’s pretty bad, coz we cannot assume they all had preexisting conditions.

And who told you people are not dying

But remember, italy is a huge country,with 60 million plus people. On a normal day, without coronavirus, around/an average of 1,750 people die in Italy. Now to get some idea of how many are actually dying from corona, we would have to know how many more, above 1,750, are dying. So if it turns out that in the least two weeks, an average of 1,800 people have been dying in italy, it would mean that only an average of 50 deaths per day can be purely attributed to covid-19 – because with or without the covid-19, an average of 1,750 were dying earlier. We shouldn’t get to a point of running these sorts of numbers, but they are necessary in telling us how we should react…

Are they dying more than they were dying. Then we can attribute the extra deaths to coronavirus…

U actually die of pneumonia complications

I would honestly like to see the source of these statistics.

Oooh you seem to know where people are dying from the virus… Comb us

There you go:

If Italy’s crude death rate is 10.7 per 1,000 people year (approx 11).
It has a population of 60,000,000.
So, divide population by 1,000 = 60,000.
Multiply 60,000 by 10.7 = 642,00 people die in Italy on average per year (in a normal year, without corona).
Now divide 642,000 by 365 to get a daily death rate of 1,758.
So an average of 1,758 people usually die in Italy on a normal day, without corona.
Since the advent of corona, how many more (above 1,758) are dying, so as to know how many are dying purely from covid-19?

We are talking about the figures: if normally the death rate is X, and after corona the death rate goes up to Y, then we can assume that the difference (X-Y) is due to corona. Otherwise you could be attributing the usual X deaths to corona…

Nothing to do with testing. Even without testing numbers of critically ill patient should raise the flag. Check the figures of the top European and US countries, the number of critically ill patients is in the thousands. By now, kilifi, KNH, Mbagathi could be struggling with critically ill patients with the Covid19 symptoms, even without the testing.

So you have the real figures ama those gava is giving us.? Because I chatted a doc who told me we are on 400 plus

The missing link is 5g,simply look at the effects of 5g on the human body.26000+ doctors wrote a petition citing their concerns about 5g not being even tested before being rolled out.Even Iran is rolling out 5g by the way,and even with the crisis ongoing,it’s still being installed.5g gives governments sufficient bandwidth to spy on all of its’ citizens.

[quote=“Keffjoinange, post:1, topic:218826”]

India has only 906 Reported cases and 10 Reported deaths so far.
The first case was recorded on January 29th which about 2 months ago.
Compare that to USA:
It has a whooping 104,256 Reported cases.
Reported is the operative word here[/QUOTE]