India has only 906 cases and 10 deaths so far.
The first case was recorded on January 29th which about 2 months ago. Compare that to USA:
It has a whooping 104,256 cases.
The first case was recorded on January 20th which is slightly above 2 months ago. Source: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
India’s Population is 1.3B and that of the USA is 331M. (Almost 4 times)
India’s population density is 464 persons per square km while that of US is only 36 meaning social distancing is difficult to implement in India.
India’s healthcare is very inferior to the US’
Furthermore, Indians are very backward when it comes to sanitation.
If the virus spreads mainly because of unhygienic conditions and practices plus lack of social distancing, India would be having almost a billions cases.
@Purple kuja kidogo. What is going on here?
Could this be a Bio-weapon targeting Uncle Sam??
Note: There are zero cases in North Korea.
Remember that the figures are from tested cases. People could be there infected or dying like flies, but since they weren’t tested, won’t show up to add to the figures. Was it Namibia that has no cases, when asked, they simply said that they have no test kits?
Given the timeline, this could have manifested long ago> You cannot hide the symptoms or the sick for long, can you?
We would be witnessing scenes on social media of people dying on the streets or in over crowded places.
Lakini wacha niulize swali la kinyang’au: why test for a disease that is not causing problems in your population?
Like in Kenya – do you honestly believe that coronavirus only landed on march 13th (considering that kenya is a transportation hub)?
Then to understand the coronavirus deaths thing, you have to take a critical look: look at kenya’s first coronavirus death case. The fella was diabetic, struggling with advanced diabetes. Then he died from diabetes complications. But just because he happened to have tested coronavirus positive, it has now been recorded in kenya and globally as a ‘coronavirus death’. Do you see what we are dealing with here?
I understand what you mean, and also don’t believe that was patient zero in KE. Problem is, this is something that people are learning about on the go, plus it’s long window period. It may take a while, but better prevention than trying to cure the unknown. People in Italy with complications didn’t all decide to die at the same time.
Look at the list of the case and you will notice a positive correlation with economy. Are the poor countries having better mechanisms of preventing spread, are they not testing accurately, or is the virus an economic weapon?
Maybe US dropped it in China and Iran and then China found a way to mutate it and send it to Europe and US.
What we need to be looking at are the coronavirus infections that cause actual illness (not the total number of infections). It is becoming clear that this coronavirus thing is like TB: where a very substantial part of the population – like a third of the population – has the TB bacteria (latent infections, as tested through the tuberculin skin test), but very few of those infections translate into actual illness. Now if you were to go around testing people for TB using the tuberclin skin test, you would think that you have a very huge crisis. Yet the reality is that only a small percentage of those infected will actually develop symptoms.
Similarly, if you were to go about testing people for influenza, you would end up with crazy numbers: yet only a few of the infected people actually develop major symptoms.
At some point, we may need to focus our attention on improving our capacity to help those who develop symptoms/those who become seriously ill, because if we continue trying to control infections for this type of illness, we may just lose it (because almost everyone is bound to get infected at some point, given how this disease is spread)…
Indians travel a lot, they live in very congested neighborhoods, live with extended family, yet their figure is relatively low.
Iran is a very conservative country with minimal travels and trade with other countries. yet, their figures skyrocketed within a few weeks.
After all this, hope we will come to know the truth about this virus. What triggered it? If it was from animals, why did it infect humans now and not before?