Corona has turned the US into Pirates

[SIZE=7]Chinese cargo with 600 artificial respirators is held in the USA and will not be sent to Brazil[/SIZE]
According to the Civil House of the government of Bahia, ‘the purchase of respirators was unilaterally canceled by the seller’, who gave no further explanation
The globe
03/04/2020 - 12:06 / Updated 04/04/2020 - 17:32 patient with coronavirus uses artificial respirator in Intensive Care Center near Paris Photo: BENOIT TESSIER / REUTERS / 01-04-2020

In yet another chapter of the soap about the cancellations of medical supplies provided by China , 600 artificial respirators were held at Miami airport, in the USA, from where they would be sent to Brazil. The information was anticipated by Folha de S.Paulo.

The cargo, in the amount of R $ 42 million, had been acquired by the states of the Northeast, through a contract signed between the supplier (not identified) and the government of Bahia.
China and USA: Brazil is in the middle of a global race for medical supplies
To GLOBO, the press office of the State Civil House said that “the purchase of respirators was canceled unilaterally by the seller”, who did not give any further explanation, only that the cargo would have another destination. The amount was not paid by the government of Bahia.
“Right now, we are looking for new suppliers,” Casa Civil said to GLOBO, which did not want to say whether it is already negotiating with other countries or which suppliers it has in mind to supply the demand.
1 of 9 staff transfer bodies from Wyckoff Heights Medical Center to a refrigerated truck in Brooklyn, New York. The United States recorded the highest daily number of deaths linked to Covid-19 since the beginning of the disease pandemic last year. Photo: ANGELA WEISS / AFP doctor approaches a refrigerated truck that is being used as a morgue outside the Brooklyn Hospital Center in New York City. Hospitals began using refrigerated trucks as temporary morgues, as the death toll from Covid-19 reached nearly 3,000 people in New York City, the epicenter of the outbreak in the United States. Photo: STEPHANIE KEITH / AFP workers are seen moving a body from the sidewalk to a refrigerator truck outside Wyckoff Heights Medical Center in Brooklyn. According to Johns Hopkins University figures, 1,169 people died in the U.S. between 8:30 pm Wednesday and 9:30 pm Thursday, more than any other country in the world. Photo: STEPHANIE KEITH / AFPédicos transferem um passageiro de navio em uma maca de uma ambulância para o Broward Health Medical Center, em Fort Lauderdale, na Flórida Foto: CHANDAN KHANNA / AFP caminhão pertencente ao N.F.L. equipe do New England Patriots chega com uma escolta policial no Centro de Convenções Jacob K. Javits para entregar 300 mil máscaras N95 que ajudarão a apoiar os profissionais de saúde nas linhas de frente contra a Covid-19 em Manhattan Foto: ANDREW KELLY / REUTERS
PUBLICIDADE Nesta foto de arquivo tirada em 31 de março de 2020, voluntários da organização internacional de socorro cristão Samaritans Purse criaram um hospital de campo de emergência para pacientes que sofrem do coronavírus no Central Park, na Quinta Avenida do Monte. Hospital Sinai em Nova York. - Centros de convenções, arenas esportivas e estacionamentos nos EUA estão sendo convertidos em hospitais de campo, enquanto as autoridades se preparam para uma onda de pacientes graves com coronavírus. (Foto de Bryan R. Smith / AFP) Foto: BRYAN R. SMITH / AFP navio-hospital da Marinha USNS Comfort está atracado no cais 90, em Manhattan. Segundo relatos, as mil camas do navio-hospital militar, que devem ajudar os hospitais superlotados que lidam com o surto de Covid-19, permanecem praticamente sem uso Foto: KENA BETANCUR / AFP from Sinai display pictures of doctors who died of coronavirus during a protest in New York. Health professionals protest against the lack of personal protective equipment during a wave of coronavirus cases Photo: STEPHANIE KEITH / AFP doctor carries a pile of white cloth outside the Brooklyn Hospital Center in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic in New York City Photo: STEPHANIE KEITH / AFP
Although the supplier did not inform the new destination of the order, it is suspected that the equipment will now be redirected to combat the coronavirus crisis in the USA, which registered the highest number of deaths in the world in a single day from the disease on Thursday .
Chinese suppliers have been accused of canceling contracts with countries like Brazil, France and Canada, and favoring the USA, which would have agreed much higher payments, since there are no rules for this type of situation in international trade .

On Wednesday, Brazilian Health Minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta had already made a similar statement, stating that Brazilian purchases had “fallen” after confirmation of American purchases.
According to the New York Times, the negotiation between American and Chinese private companies was done with the help of the mediation of American President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner. The plane that landed on Sunday in New York from Shanghai had 130,000 N-95 masks, nearly 1.8 million surgical masks and clothing and more than 10.3 million gloves, in addition to 70,000 thermometers.

Servival for the fittest sasa…