Copy pasta:Don't be a peasant, take a millionaire's medical cover

Here is an example for my son:
He is covered by aar. The bronze package which gives an annual entitlement of 3million for inpatient care. Outpatient he has an entitlement of 100k.
For all this i pay 15005 for inpatient plus 19907. Add some funny charge i pay a total of 35,069/-

I my personal cover is for the same amount of cover 3million. But i dont pay for outpatient. Since im older i pay about 23,500 annually.

Whats the best cover according to you guys

Sometimes hospitals recommend Caesarian even when it is not recommended halafu hao doctors wanakulia.

Sometimes they take advantage of the insurance and milk it dry but in my case my wife had a low lying placenta which might lead to death for both mum and child so c-section was the only option

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Placenta previa.

Jubilee Insurance is the No. 1 medical insurer in East Africa.

Very sad…In this country services are now for the monied or rich ,we took a baby to mater hospital due to a heart problem…the money we had to cough up before he was admitted…bt the doctors were very good n fast

It reminds me of my Rela’s ordeal at Mbagathi where they lost their kid. I swore to never take my kid to a public hospital, n I never had thanks to God.