Copied..Mt Kenya people tell me something about your encounter with Mungiki

Ulizeni sisi watu wa Rware, Metumi, Kìrìnyaga na Kiambu who Maina Njenga is, and what he represents, na tutawambia kwa utaratibu, and after that you’ll understand why majority of us cannot even entertain the thought of being under the same political roof with him, let alone elect him to any seat in Mt Kenya.
You’ll also understand why Uhuru’s effigy was burned in 2002 at Parliament Road, in the lead up to the 2002 general election, when it was announced that he and Njenga wanaongea kimoja. You’ll also know that Uhuru lost crucial votes in Central due to the fact that there was a murmur that he and Maina were in the same political outfit.

The name Maina Njenga evokes alot of painful memories, and to even think that his outlawed sect can rear it’s ugly head in Mt Kenya as we head to the polls, and be used as a means to coerce the House of Mùmbi to support Maina’s political god, ie, Raila, is enough to trigger a very huge silent majority in the mountain to "stand their ground " and defend themselves against anything close to a Mùngìkì uprising. Kaì mùrathaka!

Maina Njenga is free, yes, but he must never be allowed to forget the damage that he and Mùngìkì did in the Mt Kenya region. Never.


Even now we will stand our ground!

Huyo kiongosi wa Mongiki anafaa kokula lisasi gaaki