Well a contingency is a plan than encompasses all the plans in English…in Military terms it’s what needs to be done when both plan A and Backup plans have failed. Every base commander needs to have a clearly thought out contingency plan and trusted lieutenants to carry it out to the T…in situations like this the Top Brass i.e. The contingent commander in HQ will never tolerate a base being abandoned to the enemy …his word which is Law will be to hold your ground at all costs…all costs means don’t loose an inch or a life come what may…as a base commander you know fully well this is not possible…so it’s contingency time you are on your own …
Only very few commanders can carry out a successful retreat from a fortified base under heavy enemy fire…Woe onto you if you were housing special forces under your camp…these guys will only listen to their troop leader, protect only their own backs, have their own backup plans that you they did not care to inform you…they will also carry out their own evacuation…and when this happens the morale of your rank and file will break down and your planned retreat can degenerate into an every man for himself scenario…which is your worst nightmare…
So I wanna hear your thoughts…your base is being overrun by suicidal fellas…HQ has told you under no uncertain terms NO RETREAT…Rescue is on the way…the small team of special forces Rangers,Naval commandos (yes we have those called CDU @imei2012 atakuambia) or 20th Para have already scampered…shooting and explosions is everywhere getting closer…everyone is looking up to you…should you show any sign of indeciveness your deputy will relieve you of command immediately…WHAT WILL YOU DO??
Keep in mind you are Captain…as the commander of the Small Forward operating Base…your troop levels are 100…plus the 20 Special Ops who have already gone…na Ndio umeamka tu at 5.45am When the attack was at its peak…Jana usiku umekamata veve mpaka 3 am ukateremsha na 1/4 Kenya cane
Situation update umepewa na Lieutenant: gates have been breached…unknown number taken out by the suicide bombs…no time ya Kutuma SOS…communication gear destroyed
I have no military background but commonsense tells me that when a base is overrun means that you got no fire superiority,less number of combatants in simple terms no matter how good your army is. Not in that case… If I got your point I.e @kawambui elimisha sisi
Mimi kwanza naradio huyo troop leader wa 30th SOF agawanye watu wake among some rangers (assuming rangers ni wengi kuliko operators(OP from here onwards) na the most likely kuwa na person to person comms ndio wacommunicate among themselved) na tena hao 20th pia wajigawanye equally to hizo troop za OP na rangers kisha my general purpose troops equally to the teams to create four teams.
Now, I’m also assuming that the base camp is square so napost kila team to it’s own corner.
I’m also assuming kuna artillery support nawaweka kati kati ya camp ndio wawe na enough range to reach all corners, machine gunners to each corner to create area denial.
I’m also assuming kuna snipers so nawaweka high to create long gun support. Since ni base camp wacha nisacrifice a few vehicles.
Given that it was an ambush, I guess they were attacked from multiple directions…chances of getting away were minimal, so were there any survivors, or captivates. How many soldiers were hosted in the camp?..anybody with the info?
@Jazzman I think that’s only possible kama you have seen them coming… latest update ni ma ninja zimeblast through and all SOF and Para are executing their own backup plan
you have believed the al-kebab propaganda that our soldiers are indisciplined drunkards who are in Som to sell charcoal and smuggle sugar? Is KK part of AFCO supplies?
I think the silence is necessary pictures like the ones making rounds in the inter web shld.not not be there in the first place as they make propaganda material for the alshabab which is used to recruiting others.
i will create booby traps …wakifikia i blow them up …i will blow everything up …kila kitu hadi mende wafe …i will only die with the last bullet in the camp out of my barrel