Containment measures

There’s no tangent to this discussion juu mimi najiongelea tu. Nasema nimeishi kwenda bars na sijaskia mtu amekuwa msick kule nimeenda.

You know CoVID transmission ni kama homa ya kawaida in the sense that ukiipata nitaipata na nitapeana etc which means lazima waiters na bouncers wangekuwa wameangamia, that is, kule mimi huenda.

Let’s talk about the lanye joints. Those hoes are not the healthiest group. Their diets are primarily alcohol so hapo usiexpect asymptomatic cases. Hapo ni full blown symptoms. Yet hata huko sijaskia anyone who’s afflicted.

At the same time kuna mtu anawork from home na the only places ameenda ni church na supermarket na ameipata.

RIP to your friends and I’m sorry for your loss. Kama your boss had it jaribu ukae safe

:confused:C’mmon now oh c’mmon…do you know where these punters go after they leave the bar? This is defeatist to say the least.
Anyways just think about yourself and the people close to you…you are at risk.

It is. But you don’t have the power to change other peoples’ mindset so just do your bit…ikikupata ikupate. That is how I am living at the moment. I am also taking full advantage of the situation by turning down boring xmas invites to friends’ homes. Hatuendi…mie na watu wangu.

I can’t claim to have authority on this, but they go home and we meet again same spot next day

At times I wish it were possible to get access to info concerning infected cases. That way we can map out where everyone has been to. I submit that I’m very suspicious of high end places. And malls. Basically since day one this Rona has been “targeting” the upper class. It took a while for it to begin affecting the lower echelon.

This might sound QAnon-ish but mimi siwezi enda restaurants kubwa sahii. But I’m okay with vibandas and my local drinking dens. I believe huko kwa wazito ndio Rona iko. Na malls. Then they pass it on to the masses.

pipi eye haiwezi kubali

Ghai…wacha nikuwache ukunywe pole pole. To me you are clutching at straws. How would you justify the recent cases in 001? And if this worrying trend continues just when our kids are back in school then we are in a bumpy ride.

Enyewe this Rona is a true mystery…I also wonder why hatuskii waiters, bouncers and makangas are the most affected yet they’re the ones that mingle with random people everyday but unaskia a VIP mwenye ako na top notch security and who very few people have access to amepata

What I’ve tried to do since the last peak has been limiting where I go. I have tried to stick to a “routine” of sorts. Could be all in my head, but I think by visiting places I perceive as “safe” (including my drinking places) has kept me safe so far. I think 001’s problems have something to do with tourism? Both local and international. Also (according to what I hear) huko kuna ukimwi mingi na drug use iko high…

That’s why mimi niliamua kustick to places I deem okay, purely based on gut feeling and observation. Ile siku nitaskia waiter fulani ako off juu ya “homa” I’m done with that place. Unaingia base, before ata utoe mask unalook around. If one of the staff hawako unauliza casually kwani so and so ako wapi?

I know three people who had it, one during the course of her work and the other an acquaintance i met buying tiles, an Indian who told me that he ended up paying 350k in a gover hosi after bn put on oxygen for 21 days. He even confessed that if he was poor he’d av died. This thing is real

Omuafrica lazima anyeshewe kwanza, thunder, lightning and black clouds overhead are ignored.

I’m glad alipona.

It is still self defeatist. How do you know who is going to walk into an establishment? and where they have been? weks is a different ballgame as you can’t do nada about colleagues. But you can do something about your entertainment hoods.
The only places I come face to face with rendes is when I go to the supermarket for fresh groceries or to the hospital.
Shop online if we have too so I can’t relate.

Umenifunza survival tactic moja haha

Prophet of doom

Waiters, bouncers, makanga etc wangapi, wanaweza afford 2k and more ya kupimwa?

You seriously don’t know the need for State of the Nation address, its like a scorecard on the past year. Plus, the next review was to happen in January 3rd, why would he do that now?

‘‘Don’t believe anything you read on the internet’’
[SIZE=1]George Washington 1732-1799[/SIZE]

Mbwa koko ghasia makende ya @T.Vercetti