Conspiracy theories needed


My conspiracy theory of what will happen in the next few years

  • the Internet will be intentionally switched off worldwide for several days , this will cause unforetold calamity especially in the developed world , the powers that be will blame Russia , North Korea, Iran or Cuba for hacking the world wide web.

  • A worldwide massive food shortage is intentionally being orchestrated by the globalists as we speak , the effects will be felt in full next year.

  • a fake asteroid attack on Earth will take place, the legacy media will put out so much fear that many people will willingly give away their human rights to be saved from the fake disaster.

  • a fake alien invasion has been planed and again the phoney media will be at the forefront spreading fear and anxiety world wide

  • The big one will be when “project blue beam” is unleashed on humanity - an artificial second coming of Christ will be broadcasted worldwide - many will fall for it and the new world order will fall into place.

ni hayo tu

Bravo ! Your handle name suits you perfectly.

Covid will keep on mutating and we shall see the emergence of the first wave of zombies. Chaos will ensue leading us to a new world order.

Hec, all conspiracy theories lead to one thing only. NEW WORLD ORDER.
It’s a great time to be alive chifù. We are nearing the event horizon of humanity as we know it.

Interesting theories but what is the connection between human rights and an asteroid disaster?

Mtawacha jaba

Only way to stop an “asteroid disaster” is by all countries of the world coming together and uniting under a one world government , a group of experts (like Edward Witten, Neil Degrasse Tyson etc) not democratically elected by the masses will be given the power to do whatever it takes to stop the fake disaster
After the fake disaster is over , the experts will not hand back the power to the people , instead they will hung on to it and the world will slowly be turned into a technocracy .

Don’t be a spoil sport hun.

Interesting lakini according to mass murderer kill gates alisema Africa doesn’t feature anywhere in their new world order plans aka New economic plans.

Alright, this one time

Africa has a pivotal role in the NWO . We have a wealth of raw materials under our feet and the best climates the world has to offer oh and we haven’t depleted our ozone layer yet. It’s the Africans (Us) Who are not really required to be on this soil when world domination happens.

That’s why we also have the anti vaxxers conspiracies since the 1990’s .

Let’s wait and see

You are truly an oracle

I like this

one day a Dolores and a Maeve will gain conciseness and reveal to the world that we are either Guests or Hosts (by “hosts”: androids, indistinguishable from humans, Guests). then the chaos will start to claim the world. and the losers will be the slaves.

only to realize later that we were all in some Äliens" narrative and non is free. we are all slaves.

Honestly can’t tell if these comments are satirical or not