Conspiracy 2 (Origin of COVID 19)

Videos from CGTN (China Global Television Network)

there are three strains of COVID 19 identified so far, Type A, Type B, and Type C (each has mutated to further strains). Type A was the original followed by Type B then Type C. In China, Type B is common, in Europe Type C, while in America Type A is prevalent. Type B was first to be identified and logged (in China) so the misconception that it started/originated in China while in fact Type A was transmitted to Humans first in America around late September and early December.

so if COVID 19 started in America then the conspiracies in relation to Bill Gates and CO could be true.


Chinese ni meffi they should be wiped off the planet.

Sssshhh this is fodder for @patco @T.Vercetti:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Rich of you to bring videos from CGTN.