conmen alert...

these fuckers have just conned my old aunt a clean 36k seriously through her cooperative bank agency n her mpesa account. Sasa Hana any currency on her. Anyone who knows if the conmen can be tracked. Money received by Richard kamau tel 0702743072, the man instructing her the buttons to press on her fone posing as coop bank.
0710148317, fake cooperative bank staff

Ha haa, a fool and her money…
Anyway, cons are operating all over especially targeting mpesa shops. Hiyo biashara bure sana

Before we reply, answer these questions first.
How old is your auntie?
Is she literate?
Is she mentally ok?

63+,literate yes but not as digital as your UON damsels,Dunya utazeeka pia the insult was uncalled for you you cunt.


She is no fool. .the Conmen are targeting senior citizens…pls advice them on how not to trust any callers. I’m sure the Conmen knew she had money in her mobile phone

Can you tell us what happened step by step

like this one please

Can’t blame her, most old folks take such calls seriously if not made beforehand to be aware of the risks therein.

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Reminds me of a day mom called me with alot of urgency telling me to send her 7k because she had won half a million bob with Shind na Nakumatt. And that all that the lottery guys were asking for was 10k for late registration. Hehehe. The urgency was so sincere i felt for her. She costed me alot of credit to convince her that it was a con.


when Mpesa introduced withdraw via ATM, wengi waligongwa. The con went like this, unapigiwa simu, ni customer care and they are testing the new withdrawal service etc, hebu enda to the Mpesa menu and choose withdraw by atm and enter this code followed by your pin and please don’t tell us your pin, hio ni siri yako. then tusomee the code that comes on the SMS and tuone if it’s the right one, hehehehe


This is a an old person. She doesn’t know much about cons. Some very educated old people cant even handle a smart phone. So some keep their old phone and lie that it is more efficient. Age is like that.
Young people in their teens are even more vulnerable in my experience. They also dont know much about mpesa.

Those guyz have someone standing at a pesa point joint, while the other is talking to you,forgot the intricacies of how it goes down, I once trolled one who attempted that on me by telling him naenda bank to deposit more cash on my mpesa to give it “more strength” ( whatever that means yeye ndio ali introduce that phrase).Nigga got very excited. Tulisumbuana the whole day,I had all the time in the world while nursing hangovers I must have eaten his 500 bob credit.and he sounded like he is in a hall somewhere with numerous other people making the same kind of calls. at one point he even introduced me to his “manager” in a bid to make me hasten the process hehehe. alikua ananiambia press these numbers I press the wrong ones deliberately.


Have you reported the matter to the police?.. Start there.

Ongea na @mayekeke akusaidie na maboyz wake wa mungich

Nilikuwa nadani hii audio ni joke. @muria.mboco take heart


Such illegal bureaus must be operated by safcon employees who somehow have access to the customer database. Maybe the ones from kamiti do guesswork, but there’re some, like the ones who only target senior citizens, that seem to be armed with information that allows them to make more “targeted attacks.”

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Dont bother. Police are con artists by themselves. They will con u more

Pole baba

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Pole kaka blaza!