Old fat @Nyamgondho can now sit at the table of men. @Abba atatuma busaa grabacin ikikauka
Old fat @Nyamgondho can now sit at the table of men. @Abba atatuma busaa grabacin ikikauka
:D:D:D:D now I can sit down and mend fence with the fart
Next kwa line ni @Tiriitiondo ,mbwa kihii takataka ya municipal
@Nyamgondho hebu kuom fwaster watu wamefurahi umetolewa turtle neck
That’s a good move. Next should be kîpii Jimit and Poyoloko
Ule mtu alileta social media alikosa sana.
social media itaua wasee banae
Huyo lazima walitumia power saw.
You mean the guy get i.v for losing a foreskin, really!!
@Oti The Gargantuan @poyoloko mmetajwa
Fuck that coward. He blocked me
@uwesmake has organized their circumcision pale Kimilili DEB this December. We hope they won’t develop cold feet
@Agwambo na @Tiriitiondo wanatahirishwa december kimilili DEB tool of trade ni sanitized broken fanta bottle
Our hope too
Mimi nilitahiri kwa msitu kitambo sana your mother can confirm. I’m a pure luhya man. Jinga kama @ChifuMbitika ndio alidungwa sindano hospital mamake akimshika mkono na lollipop kwa mdomo