this is not an army, this is a bunch a undisciplined low iq hooligans, wataendelea kunyoroshwa na high iq tutsi
Corruption inamaliza hawa watu. Leo unaskia wako kwa gava, kesho ameingia m23 anakaakaa. Akiskia wanakujiwa full force, anarudi gava na kukaakaa tena. Those are some of the reasons hio force haishindi kwa urahisi. Some jokes hapo ukiskia hata utajipata na headache haiishi. Their generals are even worse. They can kill you for trying to finish the war they are benefiting from. Sahizi najua kuna wenye wanakula pande zote; toka kwa kagame na gava yao. They sell info to the hgihest bidder.
They are better off forming a band orchestra and call it “Le Orch. army bandits losers du DRC”
Generally, it doesn’t look good when nyeuthiz talk about Congo crisis seemingly oblivious to the groupings of external powers responsible for the crisis.
Those European mercenaries that were captured and let go should all have been massacred, ili iwo funzo
Idiots. Kagame this kagame that. The work of an army is to fight, not to talk. He can fight, hata wakimuona na suti.
hahaha, one thing you have to give the Congolese is the musical rhythm kwa hio lugha yao, you add a beat to that and it turns into a nice song
Felix Tsishekedi anajiweka sticking, Kagame will have him for lunch. Behind Kagame there is Kaguta and I suspect Kasongo is there too. And don’t be fooled US is there too
Kagame only has manpower for a localized conflict if he goes all in he runs out of steam m 23 is just ragtag militia if they rsf type of training then they could be a problem but they aren’t.
You forget that there are bigger powers that want a piece of Congo and they will supply mercenaries and funds for military hardware that Kagame will purchase through his defence procurement. Usimdharau, Kagame is a war machine. From his time as a Major-General in Kaguta’s NRA till today he has been at war in one way or the other. He also knows the Congo terrain intimately
Granted …
Gen: Kagame is not a Saint …
In 1994 during the Rwandan Genocide , he had no option to crack a few eggs …
But in just 150 days of a spectacular RPF surgical campaign , he was able to restore sanity and now 30 years of Stability and remarkable progress to his Nation of 16 million citizens…
This is something that Tshisekedi , all his mineral and natural resources and 96 million DRC citizens have not even began to dream of…
If only Tshisekedi could demonstrate that focus and commitment to good governance and national unity
The difference is clear …
@Wakameat @sokwemtu Sisi kama matigari ma njirongi. We should form a militia we claim our forefathers came from Congo. And claim a piece of those resources.
Dimwit orangutan tuwaachie hizo omena za lake victoria.
If the combined resources of the DRC Army , FLDR , Western Mercenaries , Hutu Militias South Africans , the UN and KDF could not defeat M23 and pacify Eastern Congo …
What magic do they have now to even consider taking on the far superior , well armed , disciplined and organized Rwanda Army …???
Swafii ,mimi kama former special forces commando nitakuwa commander wa western brigade,
Mimi kama spetznaz I will be commanding nduthirized infantry.
DRC is a house of cards, even slight wind can destroy it.
Stop cracking such expensive jokes.
Military intelligence mniwachie. Hata kama wewe ni umbwa niko ready to set aside our differences unufaike though deep down naomba ukufie kwa vita like the stray dog you are uwache kunisumbua Na kuizia watu roadkill.
The Rwanda army might be battle hardened but they are not superior to the rest of the armies you have listed. The M23 is basically an extension of the Rwanda army. The peace keepers incl KDF are not there to win grounds for one group against the other. Their role is to try and keep peace - not engage in deadly warfare.