Baby Panay is one confused individual this. Sunday. I have a friend that married what we would call a Kunguru. A tattooed lady, used to drink and smoke weed and has a very high body count. She used to be the bad girl of the hood back then.
My friend had a crush on her and I told him to forget it. The girl just was too used for him. Shock on me. He married her and now they have three very awesome kids. Sijui ni madawa gani alitumia to domesticate her but I am surprised.
Can anyone of you help me figure this out? What can probably make a wild woman slow down and become a wife?
Enda kanisa uombe Mungu akupee bibi mzuri
Huyo jamaa atajua hajui. Siku moja atalilia kwa choo.
Probably one day kunguru listened to that song by daddy Owen… “Yote ni Vanity”.
fangi smoking is supposed to be an experiment during that transition phase between legal adulthood (18) and actual maturity at 25…wanjinga ndio huendelea na fangi after 25…(mulioguzwa msiruse mawe leo ni Sunday)
Actually there are things of medical significance that I let slide in here, BUT this is one thing I would like to correct here and now @gashwin.
Our brains do not mature until we are 25. Our brains are aggressively making serious synaptic pathways between 20 and 25 and this is the wrong time to use psychedelics. Psychedelics disrupt brain development when used on developing brains. Fangi has minimal adverse effect on brain development after 25 and that is why in the bible, hemp and similar were mostly used by mature men like chief priests and kings.
Sounds true,lakini acha tukurushie mawe juu ya kututouch ata kama ni sunday bana
3 kids
whose kids?
Unless you’ve done dna tests on your kids or they look like you,sisi huambiwa na women that the kid is yours
Unamaanisha when you smoke weed between 18-25 years your brain won’t develop further utabaki na tabia za kitoto
Kweli kabisa
It handicaps you intellectually. Those of us lucky enough not to take that shit before 25 should thank our stars. But as an adult the effect is minimal. Just gets one high, but otherwise does not have as much residual impact as when used on young brains.
Hata wakikufanana you are not sure probably ni kazi ya one of your relative & since you share some genes it explains the resemblance
One thing I know, people NEVER change. That is a fact. Huyo ako hibernation mode. He should start from the obvious, a DNA test for the three kids. My bet is at least one of them isn’t his.
Might be true. Sometimes people confuse me with my brother. How can you tell whether a kid is yours or not if your brother impregnates your wife for instance?? What about the case for identical twins who are possible fathers??
I guess they both got what they were searching for, ukipata hiyo fulfillment all else does not matter. We are Who We are because of our Past, Good or Bad it does not dictate our future.
People change but on their own terms.
hapo ndio mtu husema kupatikana dna haitasaidia the only option is to toss a coin head or tail
If our past does not dictate our future why do employers ask for certificate of good conduct. I strongly believe our current situation is fully explained by our past
@Baby Panay ^^^^Read this again and again