Confusion as middle-aged man snatches phone from policewoman, takes off

According to police reports, insecurity has been rife in the country and more especially in urban centres like Nairobi.

On Wednesday, August 18, 2021, a young man snatched a phone from a policewoman in the full glare of the day.

Sources say the policewoman was an undercover on a mission to nab criminals in the area.

Witnesses have narrated to K24 Digital that the young man quietly walked towards the police officer not knowing she was one and snatched her phone before taking off towards CBD on Muranga Road.

“It was a surprise incident when we heard a scream from a lady whom we later learnt was a police officer. She immediately gave the young man a chase and with two gunshots in the air the public got alerted and he was nabbed and eventually got arrested “
It was a surprise incident when we heard a scream from a lady whom we later learnt was a police officer. She immediately gave the young man a chase and with two gunshots in the air the public got alerted and he was nabbed and eventually got arrested “

The officer made few gunshots in the air to scare the already running thief and also alert public for a catch. Luckily before he vanished members of the public intercepted him and was nabbed and finally arrested.

He was handcuffed and walked calmly to Central Police Station for further interrogation.

Globe Roundabout is said to be a den of thieves that businessmen say needs to be keenly looked into for innocent members of the public to go about their daily activities with ease.


Mans exercising bottoms up economic model according to Dr. Ndii ft Dr. Ruto

Konyangi fucked up the economy ,this young boys have no cash nor job ,this are just symptoms of the underlying problem.

Does that mean that now when ALL OF US lack money or our hustles don’t give, tukaibe?
Shallow thinking!

At the very least the bugger is still drawing breath

Wewe mkamba tumianga akili.

These young boys started robbing people before NARC was conceived. Uhunye anaingilia wapi kwa lazy people kama hawa?

Hizo simu ni nani hununua? There seems to be a thriving market for stolen phones. Mwenye anauziwa afuatwe amalizwe.

:D:D:D:D:D…ngong forest loading in 5 ,4 ,3 …

Hahaha @snapdragon liked your comment

Nyapdragon ulipotelea wapi bana since 2015?

Mwizi jana mlisherehekea Kayole.

Hahaha nachungulianga tu watoto wakitusiana