I have been thinking long and hard for a while now why the society is so rotten and I have finally found the invention to blame, CD.

To be honest with condoms you can literally get away with all the consequences sex brings i.e pregnancy and STIs (disclaimer:as long as the damn thing doesn’t break).You can literally fuck anybody in the world you want

This is why married men have side chicks/mpango wa kando and I believe this is where MGTOW brigade came up with the philosophy that kukuliwa bibi ni lazima upende usipende na hautawahi jua.

Come to think of it if this condoms didn’t exist today’s relationship would never be with so much infidelities because people would be scared of HIV for example because there is no way to protect yourself.

I sincerely believe that condoms have been a curse in disguise and this is why I hope that a cure or a vaccine for HIV should never be found because institutions such as marriage (which is already coming to its extinction) would completely collapse juu watu enyewe watakulana bila kujali.

No one uses a CD on a mpango wa kando, dry fry all the way

Bold of you to speak for everyone

It is a well known issue

Nature’s desire for self propagation overrides the fear of death… Fcking would still happen until all humans are positive…


Now that you mention it, I’m sure the men who wanted to “HKM” the two male angels in Biblical Lot’s house, in Sodom had plenty of condoms with them…

Dude without condom mankind will still resort to sex in one way or another because sex is a prior human nature…i think condoms have helped positively

Hii ni porojo. CDs are life savers. Folks would still have been having sex bila CDs

True.Imagine kuingia SJ,Eureka,liddos au Koinange bila CD.

Contraceptives are listed as one of the “sirens” that came with the sexual liberation in the 60s-70s. But to say that they are the cause of whatever you consider to be deviant sexual behaviour is to ignore human agency. Ultimately we choose how to live, external factors simply make it easier or harder to live that way.

mungiki niaje

Humans are animals…animals don’t use condoms.

Usisahau Onan getting busy with his brother’s main squeeze , he splooges on the ground, and promptly gets slain by the lord for that coitus interruptus. Talk about awkward.But kijana angekua na cd mtu yangu, angetwanga shoti saba za kizee

AIDS was discovered in 1983 boss

Ktalk thresh hold…


The man has a point but technology has made it impractical in this day and age.

In the absence of condoms, the intelligent would resort to VCT testing, which was a tedious activity back then. You would need to test every one: mistresses, prostitutes, chipos, etc…and given the bureaucracy involved in HIV testing kitambo, immorality would def be on the decline.

Fast forward to today where unaokota self-test kit over the counter. All you would need is a good stash na unapiga kila mtu testing. Therefore the theory would only work kitambo mblatha

Replace discovered with manufactured

Try the year.