What is the most awkward position/thing have you you have been found doing in the office?
ha ha
mirroring sec comp.
of late nimedevelop a liking for comp tech and IT stuff. Which option is the best kujisomea mwenyewe ama kwenda colle. Esp on matters of coding/programming, web design and algorithm.
Enda college halafu ujisomee mwenyewe. I’ve previously been rejected twice in an interview because I don’t have a Comp Sci degree.
I started a Dip in IT from JKUAT but quit halfway because the lecturers did not impress. I remember the was a wordprocessing lesson where the teacher told us to press enter many times to get to the next page. In my head, I was shouting “PAGE BREAK, MOFO!” The lecturer who taught C could not fix the simplest compile errors/warnings. (Not saying JKUAT is bad or anything like that. Unrelated: I recall an Italiano who was teaching in MMUST as part of his studies saying how he was surprised about how simple submitted Comp Sci projects were in Kenya. He called them high school projects!)
To cut long story short; credentials will help you get your foot through the door, reading/practising by yourself will help you prove yourself. I left JKUAT but read up a lot… fighting the imposter syndrome. And mostly because I love reading this stuff.
This is a great piece of advice. To get the damn paper and then perfect my skills.
kali sana