Comic strip for the morning

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Almost collected all these comics…got 3 more to go I think.

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comic strip my foot.

New Villagers should be seen, not heard

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Who has Tintin collection? I don’t think there is a comic that will ever capture my imagination like Tintin.

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It took me quite sometime before I realized that Hobbes was a doll and all these comics were just a figment of Calvin’s imagination.

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Wacha nizitafute

Happened to me as well

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…what about asterix…?? i hv both collection in pdf, kwanza ukizisoma kwa tablet or ipad feels like a real book

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Wacha nimalize kibarua nitakutumia link.sijui kutuma PDFs hapa

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Kingo - James Gayo,
Happiness and Cyanide inakuwanga moto pia

Chief, tuma hiyo link please… cool to find a tin tin die hard.enjoy the read bro