Dear msaani it is time we agree that our career has a shelf life,today you may be up there and favorite but tomorrow your audience may have an alternative,this doesn’t mean they don’t like you but it means they have more entertainment options as in you’re not the only one,every day your competitor is born,it happens the same with clients as well,they may find a different alternative or not have you as their preference. What am I saying ,when you up there remember the following
Invest in your craft I mean nunua camera zako,sound ,lights and any other thing that complements your art and saves you money.
Invest in you and secure your future,invest less in luxury and more in basic needs and fixed assets,before kununua gari expensive nunua shamba mahali ukiweza anza kujenga,”corvid” ikikuja hautalala nje.
Tafuta fixed deposit save between 10 - 30% of this for future and emergency
Another thing , chukua insurance ya health na kama uko na watoto tafuta education policy,health insurance kuna ya as low as 40k per year,education policy unaweza save as low as 5k per month ndio watoto wako wasikose fee.
Ukipata pesa yako don’t invest in something that you have no idea in,research first before investing in anything ,for instance kama haujui mambo ya forex usirisk kitu haujui.
Final tips : tafuta gari affordable ama yenye utalipa bila pressure ndio isikuinconvinience financially ,ishi kwa nyumba affordable ndio uweze kusave pesa kiasi,kama lazima ukunywe pombe don’t drink every week,alafu pombe sio lazima ununue expensive ndio tukuogope utakojoa tuwewe ni “celeb” Ukiitwa event watakupea pombe expensive,ukiwa solo kunywa pombe affordable save the rest.
Remember jifurahishe kwanza kabla ufurahishe wengine,think of tomorrow before you spend any coin on unreasonable things.
also look for extra streams of income ,wewe ni msaani but fungua duka mahali,uza gas,kuwa na shop ya electronics,kuwa na nduthi zinakuingizia pesa,fungua KIBANDASKI ,fungua dhobi,uza mitumba,viombo,uza ata njugu just anything on the side inasaidia saana.
lastly keep your friends but also look for friends who will challenge you,don’t be in a circle where kila mtu anakuabudu na wewe ndio kusema tafuta watu ambao wamekutangulia kwa investments,kwa akili,kwa reasoning ,watu watakuambia ukweli,keep those as your mentors na utaenda mbaali.
remember wewe ni celeb kama kuna vile unaweza collaborate na client bila wewe kutumia pesa yako hata kama nikununua makaa,usiwache hiyo opportunity ikupite ,save save save in all angles.
Also choose the right partner in life.