I have seen people saying that a man should never have sex inside the lady’s house(away games) and that at all times you should take your matches to home ground (yaani kwako)
As much as its noble for the man to avail the mating location, sometimes going to sleep in the woman’s crib has its advantages;
(1).When you are bored you can leave at anytime. if the lady was the one who came to your crib, has spent two days but still doesn’t want to leave and you want to go play Fifa 16 elsewhere with friends…jee unaeza mwambia “boo, naona sasa uende kwako .”? ofcourse that will be rude.
(2). It is the only time wanaeza toa pesa ya chakula. kaa ngumu hadi usikie “babe , utakula nini?”. if the match is scheduled at your crib nigga since you cannot cook edible food you’ll have to organize for some nyamchom from a nearby joint.
Having said that, i’d like to advise ya’ll that in truth; disadvantages of sleeping in a lady’s crib are numerous than the advantages so be very careful. You cannot forego sex because it is to happen in a lady’s crib, that’s being a male chauvinist…sex will happen ata kama ni juu ya mti ya mapera why/ because that shit is sweeet!!..but nevertheless be very vigilant while having intercourse in a woman’s crib. observe the following;
(1) Never sleep naked. After coitus vaa nguo ASAP for anything can happen anytime
(2) Ensure that all your belongings (wallet, phone, keys…) are all in the trouser pockets. apana wacha simu kwa meza, wallet kwa kiti keys kwa choo ati juu uliambiwa “feel at home”. all of them should be in one pocket just incase a need arises where u have to flee in the shortest time possible
(3)Never spend the night unless its very necessary. After sex, go back to your crib ata kama ni saa saba usiku.
(4). Be friendly with her watchman. with time, that man will inform you whether you need to be worried or not.
(5) Always carry your ptotection (CD’s) everytime you go there. dont go there and be like "last time niliwacha CD mbili un-used leta tuzitumie…then she says she cant locate them as if the rats in the house also wear protection, ma nigga everytime carry your own CD’s naikibaki usiache hapo. you are not alone!!