Colonialists Handed Over Power Without Training Africans On Matters Planning & Management

The ongoing demolitions of people’s houses in Karionbangi and Ruai would not have happened if good planning was implemented in the first place. The endless traffic jams in Nairobi wouldn’t be occurring had proper planning been done as years progressed, we are using roads meant for 1960 to shuttle back and fourth 2020.

Nairobi is the Financial Capital as well as Administrative capital. Even with the current Decentralization of gov services using Huduma Centers there is still alot that can only be found in Nairobi.

The concentration of Industries in Nairobi have led to Kenya having the biggest slums in Africa.

Independence of the African continent should have been pushed to 2060s by then negroes would have learned how to manage a Capitalist economy which is very different from Ancient African Kingdoms that were Socialists.

Don’t be foolish. You can have technology transfer without colonization. The Japanese did it without being colonised or converting to christianity. And Ruai and Kariobangi have nothing to do with anything in your argument

[FONT=tahoma]The strategy of colonialism was first to destroy existing systems.
Destroy any evidence that there existed systems that worked for hundreds of years before the colonialists showed up.
Then indoctrinate the colonial subjects that they were inferior and could only function with the colonially imposed systems.
Some subjects were convinced and some of their descendants still get convinced. Including you.[/FONT]
[SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]Its not the duty of a colonial power to train subjects in anything especially when the subject simply wants the colonialist to leave. Do you really believe a colonial power would train its colonial subjects to be self sufficient ? you have to be a “special” to believe in this.[/FONT][/SIZE]

Don’t be stupid. Japanese are not Africans. After WW2 Japan was very impoverished by they didn’t let that pull them down. Most of the big companies in Japan today are as a result of the war.

We keep blaming the white man 60+ years after he left, why can’t we copy that which is successful instead of starting afresh?

[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]Ruai & Kariobangi IS ALL ABOUT POOR PLANNING

I am sure there are new plans which were proposed for Nairobi and Kenya from the year 1990 to date.
we have professionals who have gone through those British/white education and can do a better job at planning.
the plans and regulations are somewhere in a shelf collecting dust and molds, if not in people’s minds evaporating as days go by.

but if I build roads, sewer systems, proper water circulation today, what will I use to ask for votes tomorrow?

why are we using so many words to describe corruption…isn’t corruption involved in that land…and many others? our early administrators had the know how but we’re also determined to loot…the two can’t coexist

Mi naona wali handover to their african stooges who had a bit of education and exposure. Some of the guys behind the independence drive and or featured on the immediate african governments were brilliant guys who we still read about and mourn till today. Shida ilikuwa ukabila na siasa ya tumbo. Marehemu Proffesa Of Politics alidai aje…siasa mbaya maisha mbaya.

The colonists were actually poor planners and extremely corrupt. Kenya was just a place to steal and build their country that is the same mentality that African administrators have

Our problem is poor planning, corruption, corruption and Raira

Kidero claimed that Nairobi did not have an up-to-date master plan at the time he joined the county Gov’t. He was handed a modern master plan by JICA, in 2013, which he and his team relegated to the shelves, to gather dust. Could it be that technocrats that took over went straight to sleep right after independence?

Is Nairobi’s governor right that the city ‘never had’ a development plan before him?

But a fact check tells us that post-independence, there were two plans that were never implemented ‘due to funding shortfalls’, whatever they meant by that.
[li]1973 Nairobi Metropolitan Growth Strategy[/li][li]2010 Nairobi Metropolitan Area Spatial Development Concept[/li][/ol]
So the plans are/were there, it probably wasn’t a lack of expertise in matters planning. I’m thinking that the cartels that control various lucrative sectors like transport, water, land etc. were/are probably to blame here. When you have a conflict of interest where the county execs are the ones benefiting from the chaos in the city, its hard to have such plans implemented to any meaningful degree.

But maybe those here who are insiders can tell us a lot more.

:meffi: bonobo thread:D

I was doing some research on the part and it turns out it was not a deliberate effort. The colonists would have actually liked to train some of the locals and to have well-educated Africans. But you have to remember that they were also very broke. Around 1891 was when Kenyaata was born, During that period, the word went through an expensive world war 1 in 1914 to 1918, there was also a great depression in the 1930s, and another world war in 1939 to 1945. All those were costly events for the government.

For them to bring in qualified teachers from the UK to train Africans would have been an expensive affair. They were so broke they relied on pastors with basic reading and writing skills to teach the kinds of kenyaatta and other future leaders. As with any person, the foundations of primary education are very important.

The so called “teachers” had no formal training and the only way they maintained discipline was through brute force. Their education was ineffective and it shows in the leaders once the whole colonisation thing fell apart. The result is we were left with almost uneducated leaders who only understood the way to keep people in power is through the cane and brute force, just like the missionaries had taught them.

They also continued the policy left by colonists of spending the smallest amount of resources possible on education. in short, the only reason we were left with bad leaders was because [SIZE=5]the colonists were too broke to provide quality education to future leaders. [/SIZE]We can change that today by providing quality education in our schools and universities. Unfortunately, we are still continuing in the same trend where the government only provides the most basic reading an writing skills to pupils, since it is what most of them received and they think they function perfectly.


It was deliberate because they found resources to bring teachers to educate the settlers. Anyway education is not the problem because thousands of people were educated by 1963 and many had experience working in the government

THey did not have resources for that. The settlers were in charge of the local affairs. Of course they were going to prioritize themselves. They did not have enough to spend on the africans. The point is they were broke, education a few thousand settlers is not the same as educating millions of natives. Plus the settlers were paying for the schools, which were private schools, or through taxes. They had the privilege of being in the legislative council, which means they could direct how their taxes were used.Vyenye waafrika walitekover, they just put all the cash in their pockets, which was already very little money instead of seeing as an opportunity to expand learning opportunities to a few more Africans, who would be the base for better education for all Africans in future. . Again, it was not totally their fault, they were products of a rudimentally, and stupid education system, caused by the lack of funds to give them a proper education.

Those so-called educated Africans went to under the tree schools and church schools where educators were basically anyone who could read and write. The base of their education was poor. Ndio maaana mtu kama bill gates au zuckerberg anaeza drop out first year ya university na afaulu.

The reason is that they had a great education from early on. Their primary and high school education gave them all the skills they need to survive in life. That is why even today in kenya, mtu ako na masters but they are still as hopeless as a juakali guy who never stepped foot in school. The education they received was of the lowest quality possible due to corruption and general incompetence of those in charge, who depte their big titles and academic papers, are not that much better than the common masses.

Another self hate thread. So if I may ask you what planning and management did mzungu have for Africans that we are unable to achieve? Or you mean the urban gentrification that saw your grandparents live in crowded Eastlands estates while the fairer races lived in the leafy suburbs?

The social and economic indicators have improved under African rule. Right now we are beneficiaries of an expanded education system under the local leadership. The Indigenization program of 1970s meant that Kenyans could now start owning businesses.

There is endemic corruption which is a downside and has to be addressed. That said the mzungu committed massive fraud and land heist in Kenya and so we cannot benchmark them on financial management.

I like to compare Kenya with countries such as Ethiopia which were not colonized to see if they have any advantage over us. Likely they are not better off or are they? Or how Rwanda has transformed within a span of short time. Definitely worth taking a few notes from there.

The fact remains the colonial system of Kenya was one of domination as opposed to integration. In that case, the system worked by largely oppressing us and only gave us a semblance of normalcy at best to serve their interests. For instance, Africans still needed some education to serve in the civil service. They also needed to be housed but not what you would consider as proper accommodation. That is why we fought for independence- to get our dignity back. When the fight ended, the colonialists conceded to save face. Many left in a huff because their loyalty was elsewhere and could not be counted on to now all of a sudden help in crafting pro African policies.

Besides being broke, the territory of Kenya was already in a huge debt to the colonial government after the construction of the railway line, which was making no money at all. We are lucky the British did not hold us to the debt like the French have continued to do to Haiti for over 200 years. The debt was just forgotten and written off as a bad loan. Even with that kenya railways still collapsed.

Look at the quality of people who took over and tell me if there was a way this city could have progressed.
We should have left Whites run the city kama Hong Kong and then handover when Africans had attained a certain level of development and education. By then inakua rahisi ku appreciate order
83 to 92 Fred Gumo was the one in charge. Just imagine that

my point exactly. All of them were the product of mission schools -The schools were run by people with no training as educators. They only knew how to read and write and they were obsessed with the bible. They only taught people how to use a pen but education is more than just learning how to use a pen. There is a lot that goes not nurturing a child’s mind by a professional. They failed miserably at that and worst of all, the people they were ruling over were even more stupid than them. They had no education and at that point, if you could read and write, the masses would follwo you like a god sent from the heavens. Even today, our systems are designed by the most stupid for use by the most stupid.

in a normal society with a well-educated population, the clowns we elect would never see office. Even in our universities, the guys who win elections are the most rowdy and willing to incite to violence and other thuggish methods. Going to higher education institutions means that it adds little or nothing to individuals in this country. What we receive in our schools are the idea of being educated but in reality there is little stimulation of brains going on to produce better human beings.

Typical self hate-always blaming ourselves for not being oppressed hard enough by whiteys