Many times, people exude their optimal selves when they are part of a Team.
For instance, there was a time when Tr.Wanjiku was quite something on that ishty Churchill show. It almost felt like without her, the show wouldn’t last two shoots. Problem is, her fans’ encouragement of “you can go it alone” got to her. Well, am not sure why she left but whatever reason she had, She jumped to it. We all know how it went.
I happened to land my cursor on one of her latest videos on the Internets. She was executing a session on the show and if the response from the audience was anything to go by, she is getting her mojo back, as part of a team, since she came back on the show.
Before her, Slay Queen Erick Omondi tried the same with Hawayuni. It flopped, he came back and got back into element, before jumping into oblivion again.
[FONT=Tahoma]You know, making people jump up and down after a 15 minute session does not mean you can achieve the same in a full segment that requires a wider and deeper skills set. Being a great player doesn’t guarantee you’ll be great at managing a team. Some perfect accountants can’t run a basic business successfully even at gunpoint.[/FONT]
The same applies to other hustles. You can be great at a task. Even perfect. But as a cog in the wheel. Being the best at what you do does not necessitate you leaving your team to go solo. Before jumping to “si ufungue firm yako…”, investigate yourself. It still is possible to achieve great success and satisfaction by working optimally in a team.
Sand Sana.