I was on thika rd today and my friend said tuingie some pub inaitwa Cocorico. Waah the pub is jam packed and it’s on a Monday karibu midnight, one would think it’s a Friday night. And the pub is self service, hakuna bar counter, so the pombe is in a room kama ya supermarket and you pick your drink and pay kwa cashier then proceed to your table. Hapa inakaa sodom and gomorrah. Dunia inakwisha.
Just a simple rustic place with good ambience and you might get to sample those Lumumba drive kungurus too:eek:
Kuna ma under 22?
Watu hawajajua kuosha kuma unawatakiani?
Low mileage
Very tight na wamezoea kudinywa na their small dicked agemates. My main 22yr old says am the biggest chuma she has ever had. Makes me wonder what kind of sizes those collage boys have.
She also probably tells you no one has ever fucked her longer, even when you cum after 5 seconds. So you mean to say all 22-year-old boys have small dicks, which magically grow when they get to your age? Yaani huwa mnaamini vitu maliar wanawaambia? I’m sure she also tells you you’re the only mubaba she sleeps with :D:D:D
Nicely put. Wanaume huwa na ego very fragile. Ata mimi nimeambkwa hivyo but huwa najua ni upuzi. Unaamini mtu ako na mileage ya 10+ kila mtu hapo ameambiwa the same thing.
Kuna lanye?
Go away you, shoo. We don’t speak truth here. We all exude BDE, last two lifetimes in bed and have Benzs that we haven’t even driven yet.
Women tell small penis guys that they are big to boost their ego.
The manipulated man
This is something that peasant faggot cross dresser from Dandora @Nipe mboo Nikusifu always thinks about akipitia kmtc from his mjengo job while scratching his itchy infected kundule na sandpaper.
Hii haukua unachochwa uchoteane chief?
You should go there on Saturday night. For those with german machines, the road leading to Cocorico has some serious bumps, unaweza acha sump guard apo.
Weka gari mabati chini ya sump kama unapenda gari yako