Wah. They are really tearing into Biden and his advisors.
How could they make such a horrible assumption? That after twenty years of fighting in Afghanistan, the Taliban would be too weak to attack the government. Well it took record time for Taliban to overrun the Kabul government. Even ze Taliban were surprised at how easy it was.
Its worse than the fall of Saigon (who the heck is Saigon? I remember hearing about it in some movie)
Anyway, let’s see what Guka Biden has to say in the live address in ze next 20 minutes or so.
I think he made a disastrous decision by agreeing to move out of Afghanistan.
The full withdrawal of US has been imminent since Pompeo met the Mulla in Doha enzi za Trump being in bed with the Saudis who are main supporters of Taliban.
It was only a matter of time. As one pundit has put it, we cannot blame it on a one day event… Taliban wamekuwa wakifagia with no resistance for a while so it should not come as a surprise.
It’s funny how people complained that the US was never going to leave and then when they finally pull out completely the same people are now complaining that they “abandoned” them. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Afghanistan has (had) a military and government FFS. There comes a time when people have to handle their own shit. Can’t keep pointing fingers. Taliban existed before the Americans invaded and they have always controlled a vast majority of the territory anyway. What is surprising is the speed with which they have taken power, but the end result was never in doubt.
Afghan political leaders were just accumulating money in preparation for desertion. All have fled the country. They had even stopped paying the military. All the equipment now are in the hands of Talibans, more armed now than they could ever dream of. Every thing US has given the Afghan military as they prepared to depart is now in the hands of Talibans
BUT is it that the Afghan military were cowards or most of them were Talibans and Talibans sympathisers?
I think even the deposed president was either Taliban or a sympathizer.
USA better accept this and move on: They were played. Intelligent failed.
Its now tòo late. Too late.
I think he was a taliban. He kept on saying there will be no blood shed in Kabul because it is protected. Nobody knew that he meant there will be no fighting. At the end, Kabul was captured without even a single gun shot. Reports say he fled the country with an helicopter full of dollars. But I think he might be in Afghanistan protected by the Talibans
Too tactical and suspicious withdrawal knowing very well talibans walikua outside the gates all those years,kuna mpango iko jikoni. Wangetokaga pole pole over the years it would have made sense but leaving overnight ka lanye ya short time to the point of evacuating US citizens who should have left before everyone ,clearly shows that it was an impromptu decision. Germany didnt even see it coming imebidi wadandie lift . Hii mwaka haiishi bila wao kurudi.Clinton and Bush jr gave us osama,9/11 and war on terror,Obama “killed” osama and Ghadaffi, Trump shook hands with rocket boy,killed al baghdadi and dilluted isis caliphate. Biden will not be left behind he wants a legacy to be remembered by
Saigon marked the conclusion of the biggest L in the history of the US military. They fought the North Vietnamese for 20 years. One day they decided to leave and the North Vietnam whom they thought were weak quickly invaded Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam.
The rapidity with which the South Vietnamese position collapsed in 1975 was surprising to most American and South Vietnamese observers, and probably to the North Vietnamese and their allies as well. For instance, a memo prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and U.S. Army Intelligence, and published on 5 March, indicated that South Vietnam could hold out through the current dry season—i.e., at least until 1976.[18] These predictions proved to be grievously in error. Even as that memo was being released, General Dũng was preparing a major offensive in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, which began on 10 March and led to the capture of Buôn Ma Thuột. The ARVN began a disorderly and costly retreat, hoping to redeploy its forces and hold the southern part of South Vietnam, south of the 13th parallel.[19]
Supported by artillery and armor, the PAVN continued to march towards Saigon, capturing the major cities of northern South Vietnam at the end of March—Huế on the 25th and Đà Nẵng on the 28th. Along the way, disorderly South Vietnamese retreats and the flight of refugees—there were more than 300,000 in Đà Nẵng[20]—damaged South Vietnamese prospects for a turnaround. After the loss of Đà Nẵng, those prospects had already been dismissed as nonexistent by American CIA officers in Vietnam, who believed that nothing short of B-52 strikes against Hanoi could possibly stop the North Vietnamese.[21]
By 8 April, the North Vietnamese Politburo, which in March had recommended caution to Dũng, cabled him to demand “unremitting vigor in the attack all the way to the heart of Saigon.”[22] On 14 April, they renamed the campaign the “Hồ Chí Minh campaign”, after revolutionary leader Hồ Chí Minh, in hopes of wrapping it up before his birthday on 19 May.[23] Meanwhile, South Vietnam failed to garner any significant increase in military aid from the United States, snuffing out President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu’s hopes for renewed American support.
On 9 April, PAVN forces reached Xuân Lộc, the last line of defense before Saigon, where the ARVN 18th Division made a last stand and held the city through fierce fighting for 11 days. The ARVN finally withdrew from Xuân Lộc on 20 April having inflicted heavy losses on the PAVN, and President Thiệu resigned on 21 April in a tearful televised announcement in which he denounced the United States for failing to come to the aid of the South.[24] The North Vietnamese front line was now just 26 miles (42 km) from downtown Saigon.
On a lighter note, Boe Jiden can kiss re election goodbye. Americans hate losing. They’re not good at taking losses. Demograts will never live down this humiliation.
You’re retarded. That’s politics. Hii kitu ilipangwa kitambo. Everything going as planned. US will be back in Afghan and they’ll b come back to take total control of the country. I mean EVERYTHING!
He was already a one term president , joe has lost alot of his marbles , the worst part his Vice is the most hatered person in Washington, she polled even lower than her boss, everybody hates her ,her staff says she’s the devil , she’s stands for nothing and has been caught out speaking from both sides of her mouth ! She polled lower than joe making it historic for a vice to poll lower than the boss since most times they just stay in the shadow and most people arent even aware of them ! Dems as usual ignored all this and thought they had the winning formula a mixed race woman