Climbing Lane discipline

More details please…
But from naivasha all the way to limuru kindly avoid using your climbing lanes if you don’t have a fast car…wachia sisi watu wa 3000cc kuendelea otherwise tutakuashia mataa and also the fools coming from nairobi especially buses don’t care about climbing lane…they will occupy your lane and will force you out whether you like it or not…for your safety waondokee

You can have a 3000cc that generates 150hp and is mated with a 4-speed automatic gearbox…if that is you, please also keep off the climbing lanes. These days vehicles have progressed beyond engine capacities…an Audi Q5 comes with a 2000cc engine and yet generates 220hp and is mated with a 7-speed dual-clutch transmission. Subaru Forester comes with 2000cc and generates 250hp and is mated with lineatronic gearbox…all those cars are superfast, and faster than most under-compressed 3000cc.

Just a quick lesson ndio usichome mbisha ukiongea mbele ya skilled motorists.

But you got my point…your car should be able to accelerate very fast otherwise keep left. What am driving now is 2.5litre but gives 227hp…and the other one is a German machine, 3 litre with 300hp…point is if you can’t accelerate fast enough wachana na climbing lane

I got your point and fully agree with it, just clarifying that with time, we need to stop seeing cars from the perspective of engine capacity. A 1400cc VW Golf Tsi can smoke Landcruiser TX with 2800cc easily…why? (1)Body weight to horsepower ratio (2)Type of transmission used. You can be generating lots of hp but you’re not transmitting it effectively to the wheels. Or you can generate all that power but your car is simply too heavy for it.

Sisi watu ya V2 twin stroke 10cc 1hp tukae wapi.:D:D:D:D

True ni muhimu mtu aelewe gari yake…lots of times I see subaru boys trying to dare me nacheka tu cos I know the power I have…so unawacha tu waende then when you get to a proper climbing lane unawacha hao nyuma…and to annoy them further you slow down almost immediately and continue your journey at less than 100km/h…After all you weren’t competing with anyone…just serving a lesson.

I’m not getting your point on climbing lanes. Climbing lanes are for slow trucks but there are areas where you find yourself using it to overtake the slows.
At Kangocho a place called polepole ukielekea Karatina, @Electronics4u will tell you that you are safer when on climbing lane than on your normal lane coz gari zinatoka juu uses lane ya kupanda kama their overtaking lane and you can imagine the high speed ya kuovertake kwa mteremko

1Hp tumia kupump maji hapo nyumbani upande mboga, uuze ununue kitu serious ndugu.

The key point here is to learn and apply the basics of safe overtaking.

You can drive fast but miscalculate the speed of the oncoming vehicle.

What you are trying to do can be called Brake check

climbing lane is for fast or slow moving vehicles?

Mimi I always find climbing lanes safe to overtake once the slow trucks give way…that’s how we do it on our small roads…drive from gilgil to limuru and you will understand my point

You are still stuck in theories…ingia ground

In a climbing lane scenario, the slower vehicle is supposed to keep to the extreme left leaving the mid-lane for the faster machines…those faster machines are equally supposed to keep left once they are done overtaking all slower moving vehicles on that hill. Got it?

Mimi either way old or not I stopped running up my speeds…sometimes I just want to enjoy the whole journey. If am late, you wait for me!!!..I have earned my place in society. I won’t rush for any one.

The black Prado. Always seems to be in a rush to go somewhere.

I always keep left unless when overtaking.

Eldoret hakunanga climbing lanes?

Kuna barabara usipochangamka you’ll only end up risking your life. Try lazing around Nrb-Nku highway on a Sunday afternoon (city-bound) uone.

Been in so many near calls na wasee wa mabasi na lorry. Wao hudharau gari ndogo sana. Same way cagers hudharau watu wa nduthi. The other badasses ni probox za jaba za embu on thika rd. Hao wajamaa hukwamia kwa lane yako inabidi utoke barabara. Sometimes you have to be a coward inorder to live another day.