Am imagining tuko first week of June na kumejaa mist .Even visibility is not clear. Kabla July ifike naona for the first in Nairobi kuta kuwa na snow.
Brace yourself for extreme cold temperatures.
Sasa mrembo. Naja hapo bama [read albama] then to good old new Orleans… this aug. Si ununue kahawa nikija tupatane wa maitu!
Jana was somewhere close to njoro then nakuru…let’s just say Nairobi hakuna baridi mmeona[ATTACH=full]174685[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]174686[/ATTACH]
Fly over sai
Wacha ni konsult my bank nitakushow
tumia metric system hizi Fahrenheit zinatusumbua akili
kujeni Kathonzweni. hakuna mbalidi
morning unaangalia maji kwa bafu unasema wacha ikae
60 - 32 = 28 then 28 ÷ 2 = 14 degrees Celsius.
Bado wewe huoga na maji ya karai na uko ktalk?
Take a moment and think of those carrying out search and rescue in the dense aberdare forest at a time like this.
Mrembo? Blue handle. What’s happening?
apan tambua Fahrenheit, weka Celsius.
huyu alisomea kenya anajua huku tunatumia celsius akaenda majuu sasa ni ma F tu?
Huyo ajielewi achana na yeye.
We moved from karai to buckets kitaaambo
Wakenya have stolen all the trees now there’s no where the fog will go… Except to us!
I love this weather, it reminds me of my happy childhood growing up around Mau escarpment in a Tea estate. Morning fog and rain was daily from February to October. Today as I took my kids to school I told them how lucky they are that they live close to school like I did, have umbrellas and a ride to the school. In our day the school was 2km away which is close then, a good earth road for the last Km but you have to pass the tea bushes paths for the 1st Kms. The mist was thickest at the tea bushes. You wake up the same way you slept, its still raining. You try to wipe the window to see outside, its misty inside and outside so it make no difference. You open the door kidogo to look if its morning already. You drink, hot, hot tea just before you step out of the door. Gumboots over leather shoes since they wouldn’t last. A long flat polythene from the factory to cover yourself since umbrella were hard to find and a luxury. You can’t see the school but hear voices of friends already leaving. We would be lucky to have assembly once a month. Its usually straight to class. Lucky for us the school was decent with desks and power courtesy of the tea company. By 10am everyone was looking outside waiting for the sun. As if by God’s grace it always showed up briefly but brightly for an hour. Break time tea was preferred outside than dinning room so that you enjoy it and play abit. By noon the rain starts again. Good old days.
Watu wa nduthi this year tumekipata kweli.
Tea estates gani hizo
Kplc lazima tupatane mundu kumundu coz am so buying a fan heater can’t take it anymore…