The Nairobi City County Government will robustly defend the case brought by Makongeni MCA Hon.Peter Imwatok over its 2018-2019 over 15,000 staff medical cover.
However, we wish to clarify as follows:
The AAR health insurance cover is not new. The provider has been insuring county staff every year since 2015.
When the contract expired mid last year when my predecessor was still in office, the County extended the cover to facilitate the procurement process. Nevertheless through competitive bidding, the county being satisfied of it’s capability selected AAR to continue providing the services. None of the other insurance companies that participated in the tender have ever complained of the process.
The actual amount is 1.06B and not 1.7B as alleged by the Hon. Imwatok. The revised amount takes into consideration an additional 1,500 new staff; 800 traffic marshals, 200 fire fighters and 500 Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) teachers.
This contract is not for three months as stated. The amount paid covers up to 31/12/ 2018.
AAR is an international medical insuring company and has currently insured over 23 counties.
The entire process was done above board and within the law. The suit instigated by Imwatok if at all was genuine should have been filled before the Public Procurement Board tribunal but he chose an irregular forum hoping to forward an anti-corruption agenda.
The truth of the matter is Hon. MCA Imwatok who also served during my predecessor’s time was part of a group that earned commissions for organising the original contract and has now set out on a path of blackmail. While the previous administration used to procure this service through an agent, this time we paid the money directly to AAR, cutting out the middle men. Why did he not have a problem with the contract before ( 2015; 2016 & 2017)?
The Nairobi county government is focused on service delivery and will not be distracted by baseless accusations. We are ready to defend ourselves in court and will prove that this is a non-existent scandal.
MCA Imwatok and other staff who also served during my Bro. Evan’s time are part of the few cartels that have been fleecing Nairobi City County Government. Hon. Imwatok is now being used by lawyers who used to fleece this county billions of shillings. One these lawyers a current Mp who also served in the last parliament and who has fraudulently been obtaining millions of shillings from the County. In one case, the county voluntary agreed to pay the said Mp Sh818,175,614 million for fictitious legal services but the court has since reversed the inflated payment from over 800m to Sh1.3 million. However the Mp had already obtained Sh60 million from the Nairobi county gvt through the help of this same cartel led by Hon. Imwatok who also received part of looted money and whose bitterness now is that the court has ordered the Mp who is his ally to refund the money back to Nairobi county.
Again on 27/3/2018 through the help of the same cartel the same Mp on a different case exposed the County to loss after his law firm acting for the County consented to a fake garnishee order to another law firm ondabu & co. Advocates representing a supplier of goods to city hall despite being aware that I have set up a pending bills committee chaired by Dr. Lumumba and which was gazzetted to scrutinize all the county debts.
The consent garnishee order, purportedly forcing Cooperative Bank to transfer Sh6.2 million from the Nairobi County account to pay Ondabu and Advocates Company was set aside by the same court after I personally moved to court to challenge it. Nevertheless, Cooperative Bank went ahead without our knowledge and paid the money. The consent was entered without the County’s approval and these are the lawyers MCA Imwatok has been pushing for. Imwatok recently presented 3 demand letters from Prof. Tom Ojienda claiming that on 19/4/2018 the county legal department had consented to pay him over kshs 40million. This consent was done in collusion with county legal staff without my knowledge. We have already suspended the 2 internal lawyers involved and our legal accountant. Nairobi city county gvt assets including bank accounts cannot be attached or garnisheed following an amendment to the Government proceedings act section 21(5) herewith attached and a precedent set by Justice ochieng on 3rd Nov. 2016 ruling herewith attached as well.
Corruption at city hall has been the major factor hindering development. I want to assure Nairobians that despite the many sponsored negative headlines on Nairobi county and this case filled by Imwatok to divert the public attention we must win the war against cartels and we shall never give up. All the same despite the frustrations along the way Mungu akiwa mbele we must deliver. God bless Nairobi. God bless Kenya.
Actually the literate ones are frustrating the illiterate one efforts of running the city.Who is this mp receiving all these monies…wueeh 800M mtu mmoja,wueeh na mko hapa mkisema Arap Mashamba ndio mwici
Unfortunately it’s the majority poor and vulnerable who have the vote and they make irrational choices.
When the USA and UK were industrialising only property owners could vote. Japan, South Korea and Singapore only allowed democracy when majority of the people had become educated and middle class. China hakuna democracy but 600 million people have joined the middle class in 30 years. They will eventually get democracy when they are ready for it.
Sisi hapa Africa we put the cart before the horse and the result is one Mike Sonko and all other wastemen in office today.
That’s exactly my point. I have only one vote but I sleep easy knowing I played my part. Whether the masses got their way is out of my control. But in my own small way in my circle I will try to let them know why I think so and so would be better in office.
What I don’t like about Sonko is that he is too close to some crooks like EALA Mp Simon Mbugua who are up to no good. But I wish Sonko all the best because Kidero’s regime was just a disaster.