Citizen TV pushing American Propaganda in Kenya

I have noted some very peculiar articles by Citizen TV.

I suspect that these American demons have infiltrated our local media. The amount and form of propaganda used against Ruto was not homegrown. Some of our journalists and editors were being advised on how to push character assassinating propaganda by US. It is thus not surprising why US did not congratulate Ruto after his win right away. This happened during Uhuru’s tenure.

Ati you suspect? Kenya has been Africa’s Uncle Tom since independence.


Is US a God that if they don’t congratulate it’s the end of the world?

Gaaaay agenda tumekataa mpende msipende unaskia @PHARMACY?

:D:D:D:D:D Americans , the ghaseeer must have been nyongaring the noogle pointing his gun at it to make it more fun :smiley: Dio tunaamka na Bibi @poyoloko as the ghaseeer loiters with Uber [ATTACH=full]470106[/ATTACH]

You want it to push Russian propaganda huh? What has Russia done for Kenya? FYI,

  1. US is the biggest trading partner of Kenya.
    Source: US overtakes Uganda as top buyer of Kenyan goods - Business Daily

  2. US is responsible for 63% of Kenya’s incoming remittance.
    Source: Kenya's Diaspora Remittances Hit Record High of Sh39.7bn in December

  3. Kenya has the 3rd largest number of students from Africa in the US.
    Source: Number of Kenyan students in the US declines sharply over a decade

  4. US donates all condoms and ARVs that y’all negros use.

  5. Kenya receives $3B from the US yearly.
    Source: U.S. contributions to Kenya estimated at over $3 billion annually, according to new AidData research

  6. Kenya receives millions of dollars in rent from the American bases situated in Kenyan soil
    Source: American Military Bases in Africa

All I am saying, as you gulp that Russian propaganda that “muh US is bad”, as @King Robert Baratheon said, Russia’s relationship with Kenya/Africa isn’t that great or rosy as supposedly y’all love to make it look. Y’all pretend to love Russia to look “conservative” and shit. Russians most probably don’t care about y’all crusty and dry negro asses and above all, Russia is “poor” to even engage with y’all (US Gdp $29Tr, Russia $1tr), naturally, we gravitate towards the rich person. Even you, you don’t like poor people.

Before y’all come up my ass and accuse me of being an imperial apologist, let it be known that I would love for us to decouple but unfortunately Negros don’t have enough high IQ people to make that happen. I mean look at our Foreign Affairs Minister, does even know what Vienna Convention is and it’s implications on the diplomatic community? And if pray, Flynn effect works and we amass enough manpower, the current mode of interaction would be long dead and a new one would be place which would require an even higher IQ because Flynn effect works across all groups.
For now, I would go with the big boy. Sorry, not sorry.

We buy durex who want free shit that is already poisoned?

Wow…jijue…stupid knowledge …is bad

Reckitt Benkiser, the owners of Durex, have Vanguard and Blackrock as the major shareholders and they are Americans!!! Now riddle me bozo, of what benefit would they have by killing low IQ species?

Stop this nonsense and refute with sound facts and not your hogwash hearsay. Post your links and information and stop gulping the conspiracy theory koolaid

Ndio mimi husema all foreign aids an US visa should be stopped. Unaona huyu vile ako mjinga,

Damn!!! Na ati mama yako aliingia labor ward, akapanua muguu, akapiga nduru, akatokwa damu akisukuma takataka mjinga kama wewe. How about no propaganda at all? All those donations we can do without. Ndio zimefanya Waafrica wakakua wajinga kiasi hiki.

We mbwa its obvious your low IQ didn’t let you even finish reading what I wrote. FYI, you low IQ pleb, no country can survive without another, unless you want to become a hermit kingdom, which even itself would be a hard task if we have people like you who use sewage to think. Even your Russia and China are joined to the hip with the West. So stop thinking like a typical low IQ African and just start thinking outside the box…oh wait, you can’t do that, I am sorry.

Unadhani kuita wengine low-iq makes you more intelligent than them? You and your stupid clique ya wanakijiji hapa KenyaTalk have formed a stupid pseudointellectual subculture where you think of yourself as having a lot of intelligence and knowledge than the average Kenyan. You’re, however, in reality not really intelligent or knowledgeable. You think that your opinions/theories are more valid. You think having unpopular/controversial opinions makes you more intelligent.

The US can do whatever the fuck it wants in Kenya.
They are owners of the money, they literally have us by the balls.



Ukitoa ticks…maybe nitareply…suspected Ojinga indiot…bcc to self

OK low IQ pleb.