Ive heard several prophecies from different people that foretell of a bad situation. This one I received today. Christians let’s take time off food and other things to travail before God4our nation. The myriad evils committed are coming home to roost. Thus far all we have is prayer. The prophecy below refers.
Dear Men and Women of the Most High, today the leadership of I4K met a humble servant of God who is a Prophet, but he does not even give himself titles. He spoke very weighty matters to us. The Lord says we should just spend the next 7 days just weeping. We are not out of the woods. This week we weep, next week we petition. The demons that destroyed Somalia, Sudan, Yemen and Syria are hovering over Kenya right now, seeking to come in and destroy us. There is a serpent, the Anaconda that has been released in our nation at this time. If we permit violence it will go out of hand. We must stop it this week. This week we weep. Next week we petition. The prophet saw NRB as a ghost city. The ground forces could not even deal with it. The air force was called in. We have been called upon to weep, wail and mourn for our nation. The Church is still divided. We have believed and aligned ourselves with politicians. The same powers being used to divide politicians have divided the Church too. Cry to God to rescue us. Don’t align with politicians. The Church has not risen to a measure yet that is adequate to counter this evil. What God has in store for Kenya, no eye has seen, but Satan has descended upon us with every evil and wicked scheme that he has. This week, take leave from work and weep for the Nation. Words are inadequate to help us. Just weep. Pst PM.
I believe God has heard the cry of his people. Places like Katoloni and Heavens Gate have had a constant stream of people making time to pray and fast for this Nation. It shall be well.
Corruption ,greed,impunity
2)Assassinations,murder of just pple
3)Deaths of youths - Those in gangs killed via crime,those who return in coffins from Arab countries bcz corruption ruined their opportunities for work
4)Slavery and exploitation of the poor
5)False prophets,desecration of the altAr thru lack of integrity n idolatry of money by clergy and those plundering the sheep
6)Glorification of immorality - sponsors and students
7)Oppression of freedom fighters,the aged widows and orphans by powerful people in society by taking properties and land from them
8)Tribalism,nepotism, and negative ethnicity
Witchcraft to win elections
Deaths and destitution of victims via destruction of property of PEV from 1992
In 2007, I was very actively involved in campaigns for ODM and towards the end of the campaign period the Lord revealed to me clashes in Kuresoi and Burnt Forest, thru a word of knowledge from a prophet. I didn’t think much of it as at the time all was well. When PEV begun, I earnestly spent my days and nights praying especially after the church was burnt in Kiambaa. God revealed to me that the window for prayer was when I received the message that there would be IDPs especially in RV but I was too engrossed in politicking I disregarded the warning,I was praying when it was too late. Many have prayed but if God thru His servants say we need to pray more,then trust me, frm personal experience,we need to pray. You don’t want to remember that you knew beforehand the plans of the kingdom of darkness but just sat on your laurels as Satan descended. Its our responsibility to pray for our country. We can’t rely on s1else prayers. You too must pray if you’re a Christian. Jeremiah warned people of looming exile in Babylon but they instead listened to those who told them,there was no exile and there would be peace. While in exile God told His people thru Jeremiah to pray for the peace of the land they were exiled in bcz if the land was in disarray they’d be the first victims since they were exiles. Alot of injustice and abomination has been happening in Kenya that has opened a door and given legal ground to the destroyer. God is calling upon us as He did the wailing women of Jerusalem. We are better off praying and averting disaster than sitting then later wishing we had prayed when the worst comes to pass.My fellow believers, let us earnestly repent for all the evils we have done as individuals,our leaders and as a pple. Let us travail before God that He will not let His dove Kenya fall into the hands of and be devoured by beasts- demonic spirits of war. We have over 10 million jobless disenfranchised youths who have lost hope and see no future and therefore have nothing to lose by engaging in violence the worst thing is that their situation is borne out of the terrible escalating injustices since independence ,we are in a volatile situation lets not kid ourselves. Let us not say people have prayed enuff,there’s no such thing. Stand in the gap this next 7 days. Be an Esther in this generation, who when she heard Herman had decreed to annihilate Jews though she was a queen, called for a 3 day fast to avert disaster. We are Christians in this nation for such a time as this. God is able but we also need to play our part. Better safe than sorry. Unified prayer is powerful and no Christian is exempt from prayer and fasting. Not even the one who will receive Christ today. Even if you are safe and or outside the country pray for those vulnerable pple in slums and streets who suffer most weneva chaos breaks out,the little they have is destroyed or taken from them! that life of a street urchin,a slum dweller,a peasants child is very precious in God’s sight. Very precious. Even one life lost is one too many. Nothing can justify loss of life and destruction of property. It is not the will of God for any Kenyan.Let’s stand in the gap.Shalom.