What is a black arab or black mzungu? Arab and caucasian are races. A black man can never be an arab neither can a mzungu be black.
They spend the whole day at the mosque reciting the koran instead of being busy in the farms or factories.
Islam is founded on Lies , Fantasies, Imaginations , Confusion , Misogyny , Racism and backward Arabic Culture …
In 632 AD , a “Johnny-Come-Lately” called Mohamed appeared in Mecca , copy/pasted whatever he could from Judaism and Christianity , threw in a few of his fantasies , married 14 Wives ( … including a 9 year old Child… ) and is to date responsible for the deaths and suffering of Millions on this Planet in the name of Allah …
One thousand curses upon him and all his offspring …!!
My the GOD of Israel give Prime Minister Netanyahu and his Sabra Lions the wisdom and strength to wipe out Islamist Terrorists from the entire Middle East …
Meanwhile …
We in Africa need to get off our asses and take care of the ones that have infiltrated Libya , Mauritania , Burkina Faso , Mali , Chad , Darfur , CAR , Nigeria , Congo , Somalia and Mozambique …
There must be no more tolerance for ANYONE trying to forcefully spread backward Religious and Racist Dogma by the use of force , indoctrination and intimidation …
SPIRITUALITY is a personal and private issue between Man and the Supreme Creator.
It is not something to be controlled by the whims of Geriatric Mullahs in Teheran …!!
Ngamia Kabisa …
All of them … !!
Cc: @messiahette :
Son …
Try and differentiate between the WILL of GOD and the Words , Wishes and Writings of Men …
Things got so corrupted , mis-interpreted and mis-understood that he had to send JESUS to correct , clarify and redeem us …
And we crucified HIM …
That alone says a lot about us Humans …
Strive to be SPIRITUAL and NOT Religious…
One is GOD given - the other is Man made…
The two are quite different …!!
Where can I get this app
Cc: @messiahette :
Islamists in general are only guided by the Koran , Hadiths , Mullahs , Imams and Religious Fanatics of similar ilk …
In Saint Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians …
“… The Letter Killeth , But the Spirit Giveth Life …”
Familiarize yourself with that important Chapter and it’s meaning…