Mimi huulizia kwanza, when I was young there was a time that I drank the lemon water that is first brought for washing the hands. waiter alinichekelea… I learnt the lesson to be inquiring when in these hotels
1 mchuzi/supu Ina harufu ya kuku Na kangumu
2 nyama piece mbili zenye zimetafutiliwaKutoka kwa mifupa Na chips au nyanya moja mbichi
3 chapati ama omena served with fries and mchuzi wa veggies.
4 Mbavu ya nguruwe iliyochomwa Na kuulizwa maswali(yaani wamekulia jikoni)
Kwa zile starter soups ndio mimi huchanganyikiwa sana, mimi huambia waiter ani advice. Kwa main course shida yangu kubwa huwa kama nita shiba, some restaurants hucheza rough wana serve ka nyama kadogo na lots of vegetables
Lakini the thing that I find most odd about hizi high end restaurants ni waiter coming around asking did you like the soup, was the steak cooked to your liking, are you done I take these glasses, would you want another short of vodka…
Jesus! tulia, nitakuita nikitaka kitu
first time yangu I had to call the waiter and ask her to explain every meal, kwanza nikaona Tandoori chicken nikashindwa hizi ni nini, nilikuwa najua tu Teriyaki chicken. Niligundua ni tu hizi vyakula vya kawaida but with fancy names. Kitu kama mashed potatoes ilipewa jina weird
Kitambo Niki tarmac pale buru phase two Kuna kibandaski tulikuwa tunaenda hapo chini kwa reli mutindwa. It was always jam packed. Traffic jam ya watu aisee. Waiters were crazy I tell you.
You come in and order very fast…nipe sima matumbo na skuma kiasi. The waiter shouts to the cooks n those pakuaring in the kitchen something you’ve never heard or ordered…oyaa!!! Mkwachu one hakuna Na za wape toa!!! And the food comes as so you ordered.
Mwingine anaitisha chapati mzima maharagwa unaskia…oya!!! Kana full uchafu kando!!!
Of course kuna places wao hukutoanisha bila kukupatia deserved service. But kuna chefs hupika soups, sauces and stews hautawai onja any where else, guys who are exceptional with their art