Choose your friends wisely guys

distraction nigga… no one want to deal with the reality that’s happening

:D:D:D:D . Hii ni funzo kwako na watu wako na tabia kama zako. Korti imeamua hio video itabaki mtandao zote na watu watanyonga monkey nayo

And the madness continues…

Daily…and I mean Daily …hundreds of compromising videos and photos are taken by friends , lovers and opportunists …

Eventually , they end up in the public domain…

The only real friend you have is GOD.

The very reason we say choose your friends properly… Ukipotelea mitini nao hakuna jinga kati yao anarecord for extortion…

If by nad luck I ever get into a threesome, I will wear a ski mask. Hapa hakuna kujitetea.

The amazing thing about that video is how those guys could get erections for a session with a “pregnant” zinjanthropus. I don’t blame them for “misperforming”.