Chokosh wars

Avoid Juja Road, Mathare youths in running battles with police shots still being fired.

“Fuck the chokosh”

  • Police 2016

i wish de police a gun down @Jirani


He he, you got me there Meria.
I was thinking it’s the usual ktalk long running chokosh wars.

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me too

I know you were fearing for @Wakanyama’s life.

What is the fighting about @Meria Mata?

Naona leo umemaliza kupapasa bacteria matako mapema.

Got no idea but I understand the area is now clear


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Hmmmh, you were taking lab samples from the side ama kama amepanua miguu?
And it looks fat and overweight like a certain momo.

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so many questions, but i’ll focus on the most obvious one; is that meant to be one of those tattoos white girls get that makes it look like they’re wearing pantyhose?

I was doing some inoculation using my loop.

Apparently yes, found it wierd too. First encounter… why is she lying on the floor?

The support battalion is never too far.
Silly gifs coming up next.
Stay tuned.

hako ka 2.8 unatakaje,?badala kalale bure

@Algernon, don’t be such a spoilsport. Kindly return that photo of you at work.
I somehow liked it.

I will not work on you so rudisha mkundu chini.

Ha ha, you had scored an own goal there. I bet my left kidney the momo advised you to take the photo down via inbox.
And here all along I thought you had a brain.

I do not feel the need to deny my calling. She’s a freaky, all caution to the window kind of a person… I wouldn’t have posted that pic if she hadn’t allowed it first. Next week it’s a Swedish one… Swediescherichia coli.

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