Chinese brothel in South C

Kwanini hamkunishow kuna brothel ya wachinese South C? I wish I knew

Kwanini? Ulikua unataka kusupply condom huko

Tusha ona

Yes. Nionje white P pia!!

Chinese ladies are hideous. I bet it’s only their dwarf men who frequent that brothel

Utapatiwa receipt imeandikwa Vat 16pc

So kama uko Nairobi CBD , teremka ukitafuta supermarket yoyote, ingia ndani , Enda section ya UNGA . Chukua Enda nyumbani paka Bibi unga Kwa mwili atakua white! SIMPLE

Enyewe watu wako na fetishes …a chink is the last person I would want to fuck!

Puthy ni puthy…Ata ya muindi ikikaa mbaya rarua!!!

Maze mbona sikujua

So that you run a train on those ladies?

Niliona kuna fetish inaitwa yellow fever, check it up

ching chongs have tight pussies

Leta hekaya

Wahindi are very hairy down there.

A Chinese brothel would probably not fancy accepting Africans just like some of their casinos/restaurants…
Locals probably had no idea what was going on.
The Chinese like to segregate

Na ukienda warzone huko Tibet?

hekaya in 3…2…1…

Chinese women Ni meffi wako straight Kama kijiti no haga tiny boobs

There must be an SGR joke that can come out of this but I’m no wordsmith