Chinese are taking over our jobs at Kenya Railways

There is a video that has just surfaced online showing a printer printing job i.d’s for chinese people who will be working at the Kenya Railways. The printer is printing so many i.d’s when the youth unemployment is very high in this country. Jionee video halafu ujiulize hii serikali imetuamulia vijana aje?

it has not just surfaced. tuliona mwaka jana!

We accepted that ouru is a …

China is taking over Kenya

Seriously ii wimbo yako ya Tuliona imeanza kuudhi. Kama mimi na wengine hatujaona, zenye hazikufai achana nazo tembea_

ukitaka kuudhika udhika rafiki yangu. god give you the strength to change what you can and to ignore what you cannot. bwairire?

Moi akipewa cert ya P1

Kasarani ikiitwa gathara-ini

hii tuliona™ kariobangi ikiitwangwa carry your bangi

:D:D:Dheheheee. wamefiqa

@maasai 101 akiwa cattle rustler pale kapenguria…

Yellow eyed/toothed black african

Ile ujinga NASA supporters wanakuanga nayo hata damu ya yesu haiwezi osha…Those are total 28 IDs, and the nigga talking saying maaaaasive!
I thought nitapata IDs na magunia

Which supreme being do you worship

tricky question that one. si tuachane na hilo swali tu please?

I don’t like it when you type the word God with a small “g”.Makes me think you are an idol worshipper

i could be but don’t label me just like i won’t you.

kabla ule dame wa secrets anyambe ndani ya umoineer then aconfess

Did anyone expect a brand spanking new train to be run immediately by Kenyans who dont know the tech in it and are fresh from running down another one? Would not be prudent to do so, atleast wacha the new trainees learn from experienced drivers and experts then fukuza Chinese after 5 years.

The Chinese have no intention of returning to their coubtry. They are here to stay, if in doubts ask Zambians.