China makes plane that rivals Boeing, Bombardier

The chinese and many other countries have approved the plane and are using it. The chinese wanted to sell the planes in the west but authorities there are using dirty tricks to keep them off the market. Its a geopolitical and economic war.

American cars are less reliable as compared to asian cars. So if they cant make cars I dont think they can make good planes.

if you are talking about civil aviation then yes its a bit longer.
Thats why i put it at 59 the year china air was established(commercial), post economic civil war of 49 including ww2. The post segued to commercial air safety ,US beats it all,they started waaay earlier.That was my point
Cc @Simiyu22 , @Muthafari ,hey @Jimit you like piggybacking on others’ point and use it as yours,and why the heck do you argue like a kid,cant you be amicable in arguments that don’t concern kenya,. Its like someone touched you the wrong way …jeeez ,its china airways not your bladi appendix. Chill out saa ingine,si vita buda wacha makasiriko:D:D:D
@magreb ,wacha za ovyo,kuja na statistic basi tukafunge hio yangu,pararira peleka home. Najua uko team america hence your sentiments. Argue ki utu uzima sio matusi saa yote. Au vipi mdau

Like I asked in my last comment who wants to buy anything from China after whay they have done with Covid?

Number 2 each country including Kenya has the right to REFUSE any product it deems defective. It happens all the time with all sorts of products and in all the countries on earth. Even China itself recently gave very tough and impossible rules concerning export of avocados from Kenya to China.

There are 195 countries on the planet. The western countries you speak of are less than 40 in number! And out of that 40 many of them are former Russian satellite states retaining close Socialist ties to Russia and China. So…

Again…theres the general aviation which is civil (which includes commercial…(cargo,passenger,medical or research) or millitary. Seems villagers are confused. Nimeweka tally ya commercial pax flights not aircraft rating and or company,so,if a beechcraft was bought by china and crashed in ougadogou, is not included hope that satisfies. Note the year that i started with when china air started

About China Air, I know nothing. I abstain.

The reason the Kenyan Government lacks the capacity to do stuff is because it simply doesn’t want the capacity. Think for a moment, where do all the engineers, pilots flight inspectors etc who leave active duty go to?

Then let them use that ‘transparency’ to explain to the world what happened to mh370.

I have been following this debate carefully and one thing we are not highlighting in these statistics is that while western made planes seem to fair better overall in terms of fewer accidents, we seem to forget that the old soviet aircraft that are still in operation are mainly found in countries where they do not have the institutional capacity to enforce commercial air safety protocols. This means that when an ex-Soviet made plane eventually has an accident in the DRC, (country with worst air safety record in the world), you could easily assume that western made planes are therefore better.

Nobody wants to maintain expensive but idle expertise when one can hire the expertise when it is needed. Do not forget the cost of the expetise would eventually have to be passed on to the industry which still very small in scale. Such costs would be too high.

There was a similar incident along the west African route for KQ, the plane suddenly started to tumble downwards. luckily the pilots recovered. It would have been another disaster akin the Cameroon one. in hindsight, it looks like design issues have been there for quite some time

Fellow bonobo countries.

That falls under the Malaysian government. And they really didn’t want outside help. So you are waiting for air.

Wachana na pombe wewe

I will assume you are corroborating my point,some villagers here have no clue of airline/craft dynamics,things like weather,maintainance,human errors or terrorism constitute to aircrashes. I once overheard a passenger exclaim that “its only xx airlines that has turbulence”,i was mindblown. They look at statistics but not the cause. logically i would not fly a yemeni flight for fear of a hijack but its never happened,it doesnt mean yemeni is shit,right? You are right about the ruski crafts