In December, China lied about details of the virus and how contagious it was. Infact, China said there wasn’t any human to human transmission. How was the virus spreading then since it was similar to SARS ?
This enabled infected people to travel to Iran, Europe and America without screening or isolation.
Almost 400,000 people travelled to USA in January alone. At least kenyans were able to push the government to cancel all flights from China.
That’s why they should be held responsible.
Who shall hold China accountable?
This greedy Capitalist society has cultivated a world where public image is more important than human lives
The world should have stood more firmly in unison and demanded more accountability from China concerning the Covid-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, the third world countries are deep in the pockets of China while the developed countries seem to harbour something akin to fear for the Asian bad boys.
Respect our masters young man
The billionaires are now in the middle of the ocean in yachts eating life with a big spoon and will come back when this horror ends. They are now on satellite phones and tvs and playing with water toys. I always thought those yachtes as extravagant up-to now.
Nyamazisha ughaseer. When the first known case of the spanish flu was reported at a military base in rural Kansas on March 11, 1918,50 million people died there after,with a quater of the world pop getting infected,there was a debate weather it started from china,france or uk, FYI it never started from spain. Anyway,shouldn’t we hold uncle sam accountable? Black death,lest we forget.
Tulia mjamaa. I wasnt there in 1918 but I am alive in 2020. China has given all misleading info with adequate knowledge that it is lying. The neighbour Taiwan has always been advocating everything China was saying but it couldn’t be taken seriously since China is the main financier of WHO. Ask why Taiwan has less than 1000 cases when they got the virus first in December. The lies of China to WHO is what brought the world here.
Na dvo ujue izi ghasia knows what they were doing, the virus never got to any serious Chinese city…hubei province ni huko mashambani. Why not Beijing…ama Shanghai.
Nonsense conspiracy theory. We all knew the disease was deadly when China rushed to lock down a whole city of 11 million people. The Western countries downplayed the dangers of the virus. Louis Rossman a mack book repair guy on his YouTube channel was saying American are getting it hard to test because one of the conditions to be tested is to prove that you were in contact with someone who has already tested positive. People laughed off the dangers. As early as January scientific papers on the danger of a pandemic outside China by American researchers had been published but many countries never took it serious. Africa may have a lower number of cases because of its limited contact with the outside world. I know one will argue that we receive many tourists and Chinese but that’s is a very small fraction compared to how asia, Europe and America interacts on a daily basis. The number of flights between those continents is very high. Of course you can also cite lack of enough testing kits in Africa but that has a very minor effect bearing in mind that there’s no reports on an increased mortality rate due related symptoms in many African countries except South Africa which we know very well that they are testing.
You are just wrong, you are pl
You are wrong brother don’t play into trumps lies. Upto the point when people were dying in Italy America was downplaying the dangers of the disease. America suspended their flight after Kenya did. Tangu last year December the we knew what was going on. You saw videos of the Chinese disinfecting wuhan city daily. Remember an industrial city population is mostly made of young people. BUT STORY MINGI KANDO THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT CLEARLY STATED THAT THE VIRUS DETECTED IN WUHAN COULD LEAD TO A PANDEMIC IF NO PREVENTION MEASURES WERE PUT IN PLACE ESPECIALLY ON FLIGHTS TO AND FROM CHINA AND SPECIFICALLY WUHAN. a scientific paper done by American microbiologists published at around January 10th clearly projected that by end of march if travel bans were not issued the virus would have infected more than 700,000 people outside China.
China fed WHO a bunch of crazy about the virus while in the background, they were going after every whistle-blower.
Wuhan was locked down because the virus was getting out of hand. It could no longer be kept a secret.
On December 31: The Wuhan Municipal Health Commission declared, “The investigation so far has not found any obvious human-to-human transmission and no medical staff infection.” This is the opposite of the belief of the doctors working on patients in Wuhan, and two doctors had contracted the virus.
Give me a rink to this uache hekaya mingi.
US suspended flights to China after seeing what Italy was going through. To be truthful nobody expected the virus to be catastrophic except China.
Use Google I don’t need to provide links for what is public knowledge. Start with CGTN website.
Sawa tumejua ulikuwa unaandika uvumi
Why has who made such claims. Don’t you see any funny conspiracy by the west here?
Stop this. If you insist I can give several links but why don’t you just Google since I will obviously choose the best links for my argument I have given you CGTN website go ahead and look for the news article on your own just like I have gone through your single link and googled for more. Stop being lazy. I always look for more information by Googling not demanding for tonnes of links from someone.
Kwani haujuagi mChina ni mwongo. Chinese will never say the truth.
That Ethiopian guy, Tedros, head of WHO will be revisited once this is over. Very incompetent jamaa.
Life itaendelea hakuna kuuliza china kitu. Watauza nchi kwani?