From an American in china
That is not an American. Someone who uses the word “mate” is either an Australian or British.
China still has a long way to go before the average Chinese has the living standards of the average American.
Shiny new buildings are nice but they are still at 10,000 usd per capital compared to America’s 60,000
Surely ! ! !
America’s infrastructure is ageing and will require huge sums of $'s to replace or modernize.
watu wanafika shenzen wanafikiria wako china proper.
and thats why mzito biden wants 6trillion but ghasier za akina patco and team are refusing . They just want mzito to fail.
Hoxi za waChinku down the line will require massive funds to.
While Shenzen cannot be a a proper representation of China just like New York in the US, Westerners are usually shocked by what they see and experience in Shenzen and other tier one cities.
Such people are called white monkeys in China, they are Caucasians used to show china in a positive light
The unions and interest groups are still too powerful and resistant to change.
America can’t even build a high speed railway leave alone such an automated port.
Me no trust chinku, heri huwesmake Na Momo wangu
He is an Irishman with a Dublin accent.
Hii comment inakuwanga ya mtu hajakanyanga US.
Kwa ground ni kubaya my friend.
How far would that 6T go…
Given the high level of white corruption. (High markups on goods and services)?
Without the looted middle east oil and gold,US is nothing really ,just guns and movies. Not all triumphs are achieved by war.China’s time is now even if they are hostile economically.The world knows it
High speed rail is a marvel to you but not so to many in Bidenstan. Most cities are built with residential areas too disbursed. So there will be no significant advantage over air or road. If anything it will be an inconvenience. You rarely hear any American clamoring for one. First time I heard it is on Ktalk. And it’s even 1960s technology.
But hey, the grass is greener across the railway tracks.
Mighty America will still be a superpower long after every one of you has gone to the maker. Take that to the bank. But their will be no shortage of rebellion and taunting from the eastern dragons.
Long live the Chinese. Personally I owe them alot
America waendelee kukoroga na kupakana meffi. We don’t care we have a new super power from Mancunians empire.