China faked the Nigerian man attack on Nurse to racially abuse Africans.

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[SIZE=7]China faked the Nigerian man attack on Nurse to racially abuse Africans.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=6]In the last few weeks , videos and images emerged of Africans suffering from new racist policies instituted by the Chinese government against Non-asian and especially more cruel ones directed to Africans reminiscent of the South African apartheid , American Jim crow era and Nazi treatment of Jews in the early days. The local police claimed to have responded to four Africans testing positive(unverified and probably lies) for the Wuhan virus and public anger from viral news of a nurse who was bitten by a Nigerian man when she tried to keep him in quarantine. This story brought anger to the general Chinese public with landlords kicking Africans from their homes ,and being denied entry in buses , malls, restaurants including McDonalds.[/SIZE]

As it turns this story was Fake as shown clearly in the below videos and the Chinese government knew about it , (the video ends in a Chinese police station) but used it to clamp down on foreigners with the worst injustice being meted out to Africans. All major international news outlets from Washington post , CNN to locals news carried this stories which had not been verified as true which serves as cautionary tale of running unverified information.

The second part of the clip shows that nurse was beaten by a Chinese man not Nigerian
The Chinese government seems to have succeeded in creating a billion racists with racism being the new normal in China , even to to extent of exporting it to oversee Chinese communities such as this signs that are coming up in Malaysia.*hw8O8jjQXdoiu9E6F3kOQQ.jpeg?q=20*hw8O8jjQXdoiu9E6F3kOQQ.jpeg
Signs like this are bit put up by Malaysian Chinese
A google trend below shows a significant increase in the use of the word heigui Chinese for nigger*pAYowMST6jpf1RvrUYticA.png?q=20*pAYowMST6jpf1RvrUYticA.png
Google trend showing the increase use of the word heigui, chinese word for nigger
As videos like this one below have emerge , CCP has come up with more audacious lies such as blaming the US government of sowing distrust on their african ‘brothers’. This blatant lies and propaganda put into question every Chinese government action such did the wuhan doctor who blew the whistle die or was he killed, how did a virus come from a wet market used for hundreds of years suddenly. Has the Chinese been using the WHO? and what is the end game for their African adventures as its clear the Chinese are

During the corona virus and before that the Chinese government has been using the racist card to guilt trip the west in accepting censorship such as when they accused trump for stopping flights to negatively influencing /corrupting WHO, with now nearly 100,000 dead, most due to Chinese lies about wuhan virus . The world has a duty to question any information coming from China and verifying it.
Africans should also not view Chinese as “brothers’ , a name sysnomous with black peaple which has its roots in the experinces of black peaple in american slavery, and which chinese governement propaganda been using far too often as it seeks to advance its power by using african countries.

Vile @Sambamba atasema.

Negro is a word only used in the US by white cracker trash. The rest of the world says blacks.

We should also beat up these pieces of shit.

Spaniards also uses the word negro

This was a deliberate China ccp diversion. Their sheep had started questioning its response to the Chinese virus and it needed a scape goat to focus their people’s anger. And the best was to exploit the already racist Chinese attitudes towards blacks.

Honestly,Africans should leave China,why live in an Orwellian country full of gullible Chinese people?The funny thing is the Chinese admitted they are descended from Khoisan.