What you are told, and the truth, are usually different things. Dig deeper and you will find these people are not childless by choice.
if a woman had a near death experience during childbirth then the infant died , i would understand hio
Watoto si lazima kwa hi maisha… personally i don’t like the idea of having children
If the baby theft industry could be licensed and listed in the NSE, I’d buy all stock l could… It has a bright outlook
only the devil does not want to have kids in the older days tungekuwekaa kwa same cage na mahomo then viboko daily mpaka u change philosophy
Being child free is a trend that is becoming louder lately, this is mainly because the institution of marriage is no longer sustainable.
i) Some have to feed their sibling because their parents couldn’t be adequate providers, by the time they are done they swear not to raise kids of their own
ii) Some have shitty genes and terminal life threatening illness that they don’t want to pass to their offsprings
iii) Some grew up in abusive environment and wouldn’t want to raise kids and risk them going through that
@T.Vercetti and his cahoots
Life is a piece of shit with no manual ! there is no right way or wrong way of living ur life ! If there are folk who feel happier without kids then good for them god knows we don’t have a shortage of humans , good for you travel the world carefree do all that, maybe later in life you might regret what it might have been , For myself can’t imagine not having my kids but also it dosent gurantee they will have my back in old age , probablity is is low if we are going to continue copying the western trends most of us will find ourselves in homes which is ok kama ni home poa !
Ideally how many kids do you want?
I have 3 hao wame tosha ! All im saying is I dont think its right or wrong to have or not to have children to each their own !
One child is enough for me. Personally iv noted it’s a trend to not want kids and I don’t care. Each to their own. I’m glad people realise it’s a choice not an obligation.
I’m the only one amongst my friends with a child and I feel happy stopping here. I have a perfect balance between freedom ( I sent her to her grand parents for the weekend) and responsibility.
What happened to the mother?
We live together
Na je huyo mmoja akuwe mwizi ashutiwe na hersi wa Baba Dogo. Zaa 3-4 at least uko safe.
There is nothing painful for a parent as burying their own child, so hata upate 3-4, the loss of one of them would be hard to bear
if you die your friends will also feel the pain , you can’t run away from death & pain…watoto ni lazima
It should be a personal choice and society does not really have a place in the decision making. No one will really help you raise that child bar yourselves. The countries in the west that throw welfare, housing, free school lunches and many other benefits are also a double edged sword of sorts. If they get wind that you are incapable of raising that child one way or the other you will lose him/her to the state.
So don’t get a child if you are not ready for the hard road of many sacrifices.
I have never understood why “watoto ni lazima”. I don’t have any and I don’t plan to have them either
Exactly. Watoto SI lazima.
If you have kids and are suffering, suffer alone. Not all of us need to suffer.