Chief Cabinet Secretary

Another way of transferring duties of a DP to somebody else without breaking the law. So Ruto will be there like a portrait[ATTACH=full]168702[/ATTACH].

Ukabila hoyeeeh!!!

@admin , merge you thread na hio iko hapo chini.


What defines an “ethnic” community legally speaking? DNA, Language, cultural practices or Name?

Is a Digo who is adopted by a Turkana family at birth, a Digo or a Turkana? What about an Indian born and raised in Meru, who speaks the language fluently, practices the customs, but knows nothing about their great great grandparents Indian heritage? What about an individual whose grandparents are from 4 different communities? Shall they be excluded on the presumed 1/4 of their DNA? What ethnic group does a white Kenyan belong to?

Look at your national ID card it is all there. The ID application form ensures that you define your ethnicity.

I don’t know which ID you have but mine has no ethnicity noted just a number of locations, division, district etc. It is likely as you note on the application however. We long for the day when names such as Singh, Okello, Muigai, Ole will not be a certain indicator of the “ethnicity” of an individual.

Such amendments should not be rushed for there is nothing in them geared to making Kenya arrive at a point where such factors will be a thing of the past over qualifications but rather they are tooled to accommodate those with hunger for power. If ethnic bias or discrimination was a ground for impeachment, we would not need to have such clauses added to the constitution.

If you have experienced enough Kenyaness you will realize that it only takes you ID number for the police to track you to your village, where do they get all this information? Ask yourself if you didn’t provide it in ID application form, it is all there, they only gave you a form and you defined your ethnicity.

Yes, but in the context of the discussion we are splitting hairs now and I am not contesting your point.

Will it in future be advantageous for parents to advice their children to claim they are Borana or Turkana as that gives them an advantage in joining the gravy train? What next, DNA tests to validate ethnicity where someone called Okello claims to be Digo? If Peter Kenneth defines his ethnicity as something other than the President such as “white” should he be eliminated as a candidate for Chief CS? What about if his DNA test shows he is 70% Maasai (Uhuru’s grandmother is said to have been Maasai) should he and other Maasai’s be denied the position if they are qualified?

It is 2018 but we are still subscribing to colonial relics that modern day politicians have exploited to no end.

Its nothing to do with colonial relics or imprints, each individual from time immemorial has thrived to protect his cultural or if you may put it ethnic identity, even in Europe where colonialism was conceived same as in Africa, people have very distinct ethnic identities which they are not shedding anytime soon. The problem we have is that ethnicity comes first then humanity second, and this is informed by the perception that unity in numbers protects every member of an ethnic group even the weak as opposed to individual excellence, if only we could reverse the priority then I will see you as Okello first then a Digo second, in that case I will perceive you for the person you are and not your ethnic belonging. However ethnicity is not a bad thing at all, it helps a people brought together by a common language or some other common cultural practice formulate some unwritten social standards to govern themselves but with modernization there is obviously the natural or universal law that covers all the different ethnic standards which in my opinion should lessen the impact of ethnicity.

Agreed on those points, we should embrace positive ethnicity but we certainly want to do away with negative ethnicity.