They are gradually becoming popular on our roads but I’m yet to see a camaro around, ama mimi ndo naishi mashinani.
2010 - 2013 models range from around 6000$ - 1300$
Base model has a standard 3.6-liter V6 engine which produces up to 304 horsepower. [ATTACH=full]295293[/ATTACH]
Originating from americanos most are left handed ukipata right hand ile itaingia kenya from UK price sasa imeongezwa design ingine noma mpaka utashangaa ka ni worth it. Alafu spares incase something happens tena balaa so makes one weigh options really…
I think i saw a mustang GT 500 in industrial area the other day. if you go to spring valley just past sarit centre on that road that goes to kangemi you will see almost everything. cars that are not seen on the other side of thika road
Hizi bado hazi jatosha mboga. Mzee Camaro mambo mbaya. Hellcat on Kenyan road is a big no.
Mustang Shelby, ndio mambo yote, but that’s on another level.
You can drive virtually any foreign registered car on Kenyan roads if you don’t mind renewing the permit every three months. Talk to Beforward watakusort na import. As for the permit, you have to go back every three months and reimport the car. Alternatively, find an agent or customs officer you can trust awe anakusaidia “Kenyan style”.