Checki Maneno - Walking the last mile

So on Saturday kama kawaida, I struggled to wake up…managed to start the ride at 7:30.

Today was the day we were going to ride the Eastern bypass and the Southern Bypass and onto Langata road, down to Rongai Massive (Where Warthogs roam free) and to Rolfs place in the National Park (Well almost in the national park).

By 8:30 We were furiously riding down the southern bypass, everybody kept pace as one group only making small stops to drink some water and then continue ahead.

Anyway, we are soon at that Rongai Stretch and ready to go head to head with those crazy matatus and to our utter surprise everybody gave us space and were very patient with us on the road. No bullying at all, even by those matatus.

We finally get to Rolf’s place, one rider was lost behind us but made it to the destination some minutes later.

The famous bridge there…

We stuck around for like one hour before proceeding on our return trip.

Now this is where the fatigue started settling in…Kurudi ni milima imejaa. So we decide to pass through Karen. The Hub mall looks too expensive for comfort by the way, I saw it jana for the first time.


Just before the bypass is when the pain/punishment/fatigue really settled in (I defend myself here because I have not been riding for a while), no small inclinations started looking and feeling like huge mountains, I could feel every muscle on my left thigh twitch as I pushed myself to the limit. I even contemplated hanging onto a lorry.

a well deserved rest was in order.

The last KM was the toughest, I was wasted physically I literally had to push the bike that last climb back home.

And to the talker who hooted at us hapo Langata road…Checki Manenooooo! :slight_smile:


You guys seem to always do MTB hakuna road? Should think of doing Mt Kenya Epic, should be fun

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Hatuna Road bikes bana. When is the MT Kenya Epic BTW?

What’s the total distance covered?
Didn’t manage to ride this weekend

70 -75 kms


This weekend I decided to do a checki maneno but on foot, I managed to walk 14 km…that’s a good exercise


Wah! No joke. Seems like fun, I think I should join you guys one of these fine days.

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Hehe Nice, 14kms si ni mingi sana kutembea? But thats a great work out!


If you have a bike…come a long

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Its on Saturday. You guys have nice MTBs should do Rongai-Kiserian and a long offroad stretch between Kiserian and Isinya about 15km then head back to Nairobi through Kitengela. The view is good there.

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Thanks for the Idea…About Saturday, Location ni wapi exactly?

It took me around 2 and a half hours of hiking, my legs are aching but it was some good exercise

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This coming weekend nitaleta mbisha, am planning to do a 20 km hike

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Last time it rode close to that many KMs was some time ago when I did Kakamega to mumias and back about 60km round. By the time I was midway back to Kakamega I almost contemplated giving up and boarding a mat but I made it.

To put into perspective, marathon runners run 42 kilometers in less than 2.5 hours. Insane!

Will be at Githunguri Kiambu, there was Rift Valley Odyssey this weekend too. And there will be Kajiado XC in November, if you guys will be fit enough give it a shot


Hehehe, what that feeling is so strong just before you get back home. I have been to Kakamega once, there are quite some great scenes…unafaa ulete mbisha sababu kuna wale hawajawai fika Kakamega.

Awesome, there was a group that rode to Kajiado this weekend. Ultimately they are planning to ride to Masinga. The plan is to get fit enough…70kms hazifai kutulemea vile tulilemewa bana

I will start collecting some good ones. I plan to do Kakamega-Shinyalu-khayega-Kakamega probably next weekend. It’s a long route. Last time I used it was way back and I was on a motorbike heading to Kakamega forest. The road is rough but it will be great exercise. I’ll bring photos for those who don’t know interior za Kakamega county.