Shule sifungwa kwa nini sasa??
:D:D:D:D The only Couch we know is our very own octogenarian @FieldMarshal CouchP …hiyo ingine ni upus.
So its okay for jamaas to brag about being team mafisi, banging everything with a hole, exploits with pokos including sharing directions and brothel experiences, even faggots like uweskimwi on record seeking Shemales… but when a hoe shares her exploits you frown ? how different is she from those you brag about banging ? are they not people’s daughters, sisters, friends or even wives ?? Kweli the infinity of human stupidity.
white knight maliza kuvaa amour kwanza uache kutusumbua
How shallow minded you can’t even change the obvious things in the story to make it legit/ Kenyan / African
Since when do we have attic 's
Am a Kenyan living in Ottawa Canada had to share it
Hii peleka Kilimani mums because we don’t care
The reason we frown is because we imagine it happening to our wives and daughters. The other way it is just someone else’s trouble.
iamune Kiptoo
Craziest movie. The entire series. :D:D:D:D:D
nilijua tu hii hekaya ni ya copy paste
ami gomie arap, kiinyor gaenet nenyu ano
Niliachia hapo when i confirmed the handle is blue
I have never watched the movie/series but hebu jaribu the song " Stacy’s mum" by Fountains of Wayne.
Ng’o noo ka ng’anyin?
Ii ni stori, kulawn shirtless alafu unakufia mse, kaa ile ngoma ya call me maybe…
:)Well damn…
Thank you @LeoK