Cheap China fish here to stay, CS tells traders

The government has reiterated its defence of fish imports such as tilapia and salmon from China saying it was necessitated by unmet demand locally.
Kenyan fishermen and traders have protested the flooding of cheap imports which they say has skewed the local market.
“It is about supply and demand,” Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri said Wednesday in Mombasa, adding that the government cannot ban imported fish.
Fish from China is cheaper compared to local catch with tilapia from the Asian country going for Sh150-Sh300 a kilo while the Kenyan variety goes for Sh400.
If Kenya fishermen can organise themselves and label local fish then those of us who are patriotic and love to see our fellow Kenyans thriving, we can help kill the market for imported fish.
[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]The government can license fish importers but the government cannot force Kenyans to buy the imported fish. If Kenyans unite then fish importers will realise its pointless to bring fish from China or elsewhere.

I support this because I love fish and I hate the over priced undersized mutants the Kenyan market has.

What about Kenyan fishermen and their plight?

Have you ever known how Chinese raise their fish? Usitake kujua. Do kenya govt have incorruptible govt officials who can go inspect those fish before they come? Africa is always a dumping ground ya rejected stuffs from china after imekataliwa western world for health and safety issues.

One time there were toys made in china that were rejected from usa because they contained Lead. A journalist tracked that container and found that it was off loaded in Ghana, no inspection was done. How many kids got cancer from that mistep ? Be careful. I’d rather pay more but live than pay less and die dangerously

The system is fucked, you can’t blame him for only looking at the size of the fish on his plate.

However, if all of us think like @Sogomba Sadamkale , the country will be truly fucked. No future.

The importers will make sure this doesn’t happen by telling fish farmers to apply for license of 200m. Is easy to predict how kenyans think

What about us the Kenyan consumers?

The fishermen should petition the government to formulate ways of acquisition of better fishing vessels and encourage unionisation.

Let me put it this way would you buy tomatoes for 50 each instead of 5 each?

Lake Victoria has been overfished for decades now fish stock has reduced considerably. Even worse the prime catch is sold for export right at the beach leaving very few for local market. A lot of fish here from Nairobi are coming from fish ponds and those who can’t tell the difference would be surprised. Fish in Kisumu is more expensive than Nairobi.

You do realize we live in a capitalistic environment and I am trying to get the best bang for my buck. It’s not as if I get free money and I don’t care how I spend iy.

If the difference in quality and price was marginal then I would let my patriotism shine.

this people go stealing fish as far as Gobons coast. tafakari hayo

The fish has been taken by their trawlers just off the African Coast.

The usual government gimmicks/agenda,guys can’t you read the flow.Killing local industries…Now fishermen wa Kisumu will soon be crying foul,just like sugarcane farmers in western,just like Rice farmers in Mwea(Lakini hawa ni wabaya,wacha ya paskistan iendelee kukuja,those ladies are a con).sugar millers,watu wa mahindi,Killing local industry coz they got cheaper option.

Salt water fish tastes better than fresh water fish. I realized that the first time in Mombasa.

I know it’s tougher to buy local items if they’re pricier but some of us would choose to buy them. It’s the only way we can save this nation because the government seems disinterested in protecting local sufferers.
Dairy farmers need protection, maize farmers need protection, cane farmers need protection and even dairy farmers need protection

Na sipia wavuvi wa kenya wa punguze bei.Naona its only ksh100 deference.

Just a get a contact of someone raising fish and ensure that you get your fish from him… Ama utengenezewe fish/s pond kwako!

Not really, better equipment doesn’t mean more fish will miraculously appear in the lake. They need to fish less in season like North Europe, stop using small nets to capture younger fish and lastly pollution at the lake needs to stop. Union is a good idea, they can spread the benefits averagely than everyone trying to go across the border to fish.

The EU had banned their fish. They are fed on meffi

Chinese fish are reared using meffi ya ngurwe na takatak zingine google and you will see .Chinese fish was banned in America for this reason

hehe “unmet demand locally”. Rai, Gathecha and others care so much about our unmet demands. Sio sukari, sio samaki. Don’t blame the Chinese for dumping in Africa, your leaders lead in dumping. Be it Brazilian sugar or Chinese fish. Killing the country literally.

Next hata cement itakuwa unmet demand locally. Wanatafuta zile vitu tamu tamu. Sweet snacks. Legacy. Kumbe hii ndio legacy. Kill the industry, corner the market… Moi taught you well.