Sometimes vitu hufanyika tu, hivo to bila mpango yeyote unajipata ndani kabisa in the thick of things, na hizi vitu can fanyika at any time out of the blue. Sijui if its drama that loves me or I love drama. Sit back, check bundles nikusimulie kisa
After four hectic days on the rd rescuing Muarabus trucks finally I was in 001, time was 4:30pm, was dog tired hadi ilibidi niende na Land cruiser rd patrol nyumbani, was looking forward to my 3 days off, nikasmama city mall for a bit of shopping alafu shetani akaniambia niingie lounge nikamate mbili za haraka za kutoa vumbi, from the top floor had a clear view of the parkinglot and highway and was counting how many trucks were passing per minute when out of the corner my eye something caught my attention, niliona mjamaa akiingia kwa boot ya saloon car na kujifungia ndani, a minute later this well dressed lady from my vantage point (she looked like to be in her late twendies) akafika kwa hio gari na shopping yake akaweka kwa kiti ya nyuma, I tried to shout to warn her of the intruder but the roar of traffic and mall buzz was too loud, hangeniskia, recently in the news cases of rape in 001 and its environs were one too many and my mind clicked huyo jamaa kwa boot ni rapist, my legs grew wings, I grabbed my keys from the table and shot out of the lounge leaving one beer unopened, lift na escalator zingenichelewesha so I flew down the stairs, kufika parking nikaona the white car joining traffic heading to Mtwapa I figured kabla nifike hapo on foot atakua ameenda so I rushed to my car and eased out of the parking with the sole intention of following the white car and warning the lady of the danger in her car boot.
Kutokea kwa Msa-Mld rd I drove like crazy, ku katafunua (overlapping on the long side) had to chase after the lady kabla haja disappear nishindwe ameenda wapi. By Bamburi junction nikamuona 6 cars ahead of me, hapo opposite Milele beach nika katafunua tena and by Bamburi police I was behind her, I honked like crazy and at the same time flashing my lights, ladies are generally slow and instead of slowing down and atleast let me pass ndio nimufungie she misled my signs and gunned it, gari ilikua ni Subaru nailiruka kaa kangaroo, wueh, one second am tailgating her the next ako 100 metres infront of me, I also put the pedal to the metal na rd patrol ikarespond as I expected, hii gari ya Mwarabu tulikua tumeiweka V8 engine and I knew hii turbo charged Subaru haiwes niacha by Shanzu we were together again with two matatus between us, kufika stage outside the teachers college ma3 zikanifungia, I missed the days when rd patrols had silens, ningeliwasha yangu saa hio if I had it, this delay meant the Subaru got out of sight again, after throwing obscene explitives to the mat drivers nikachomoka hapo kaa mwendaa in that stretch to mtwapa I think I hit 160kph, was almost giving hope of catching the lady again lakini by Tuskys nikamuona mbele yangu, was bullying cars of the rd lakini walikua hawatii na Mtwapa hakuna mahali pa kuoverlap.
By the time nimalize hio jam the lady was at the weighbridge, kupita hapo barabara ilikua yetu, the rd was clear. She floored it I gunned it, Subaru vs Land cruiser, the way she drove I confirmed something I had always suspected, all Subaru drivers have a lose nut in the head, be they ladies or men, nikijaribu kumpita ananifungia, ilibidi nimgonge nyuma nione kaa hio ingefanya asimame lakini wapi, we flew past kanamai at over 100kph, tulikua twaacha watu wakituangalia wondering whats going on, we flew past umoja rubber and Kikambala, all this time was pleading in my heart for the lady to stop but I knew it was wishful thinking, I knew she was terrified. Approaching Kijipwa akatoa indicator ya left nikajua ameamua kuingia Kijipwa police station and breathed a sigh of relief, tuliingia hapo bumper kwa bumper, nilishimamisha rd patrol kaa nimeguza boot yake, naye alichomoka kwa gari akakimbia kwa OB screaming, nikishuka kwa gari I had over 10 guns cocked at me, the company logo and the rd patrol stickers on the land cruiser saved me from being shot, gafra bin vu nilikua chini with very tight handcuffs on my hands na vile zilikua zimekunjwa behind my back.