Chai Knees and Taiwan.

Well these slit eyed bastards are really itching to be destroyed. Let them not try anything funny. Uncle Sam may be undergoing some funny funny stuff currently but tuko macho zaidi. The Chinks would be destroyed badly that it would be worse than the Cultural Revolution and it would take a 100 years to recover. Plus lazima nukes zitambe this time round. Tutapea Taiwan one nuke warushe pale 3 Gorges Dam na hivyo ndio Winnie the Pooh anasurrender because if we bring down the 3 gorges dam, China is effectively dead!!!






AUKUS alliance alone can vaporize the whole of the Chinks army [ATTACH=full]390141[/ATTACH]

If the West tries to take on China it doesn’t matter how many the alliance would be, bado wataumia. M.A.D.

Kwani how many house niggers and Oreos do we have on Ktalk? It’s almost as if you actually believe you are an American.

I have an American passport and that’s all that matters. Ama you think ninakunywa vumbi kama wewe:D:D:D:D

The West won’t, China would try to provoke the West and that’s how it would get annihilated badly.

Fair enough. Don’t you think though it’s hypocritical that Americans are complaining China wants to nuke Japan? Only 1 country has ever nuked another country and that was America nuking… Japan. I mean, you can’t make this shit up.

It doesn’t matter who starts it… China is not a pushover military wise otherwise America would have done something about the Xinjiang internment camps just to spite them.

You see the issue here is China is thirsting for a war because in the recent past it has grown some balls until it thinks it can challenge veterans. They want to take a sovereign country by force and yet there is an agreement that prohibits that. Also America has a pact with Taiwan to defend it. One thing PRC forgets is that, it doesn’t have many powerful allies who would help them and that’s what would disadvantageous to them

Yes China has grown some balls in the past but it doesn’t have powerful allies who would cover them when they are overwhelmed. Apart from N.Korea, idk who else would side with China. Either way, both sides would take a heavy beating. US couldn’t do anything because we are also experiencing our own problems here at home. War is expensive and costly and it’s not in our best interest to engage China militarily. If we wanted, we can pour funds to Uyghurs instead.

Niko nyuma ya mushaina. Death to American parasite. We are taking the war to their door step. America is full of coward. They have never fought a formidable foe.

To quote mzito Hillary at some point while referring to Iran attacking Israel during her campaign “We will totally obliterate them” … so goes for Chinaman. They can be totally obliterated. If shove ever comes to push …a worst case scenario, the end of world order as we know it.

:smiley: i dont think xi is stupid enough to try this, walitwangwa kama burukenge na wahindi, plus china is surrounded by enemies in the southeast, there’s japan, then there’s a military base in guam, alafu kuna the pacific fleet always patrolling the south china sea

Even Hawaii was a sovereign nation before America grabbed it.

:oops::D:D what the hell I was just reading this a few minutes ago. Kwani tunajuana?

Flood Wuhan city which is the source of coronavirus or rather flood Hubei province and kill 50 million ching chongs.

Taiwan might not do it, but the Japanese are a crazy murderous lot. I bet they have weapons pointed at the weakest points of that dam. Hio ni genocide.

Cc @Sambamba give us your thoughts.