Kwanza now ndio waseme…ukweli kama king kaka ndio alizalisha…yule mboch wake…juu mtoi wa mboch anafanana king kaka kushinda hata watoto wake.Alafu mkamba,Nana owiti…saa hii anawaka anataka engine 240 Horsepower na rabbit ako mifupa tu sijui ni kama either ni ukedi ama cancer!Inter’tribal marriage za town uishia town.Brothers from Lakeside tafakari…kama kuna shosho…from GEMA hapo…
Pipi yako aki relocate to another country Anza kujipanga na lanye mapema
“Mahali amepita usipite” is all I can say
Junguuu All the Way!!!
Celebrities experience 100X the amount of peer pressure you experience. The nature of their job exposes them to high end lifestyles that are very hard to resist. Halafu ujue being a celebrity is expensive.
For example, a regular guy will happily visit a keg den kutoa stress. Celeb akienda keg den it will trend and affect his business negatively. Part of the celeb lifestyle hukuwa showoff because if you don’t you get fewer gigs and people pay you less money. Nikiwa msanii unione na benz and you want me to perform at your wedding, you will know that paying me 10k is an insult so utatafuta hiyo 50k+ for a one hour performance. The lifestyle you project has a direct impact on how much you earn ukiwa celebrity. Why do you think Maina Kageni buys the latest BMWs? Ukimuita kuwa MC at your corporate event you know he doesn’t come cheap. Its part of the marketing.
So, by default, celebrities are heavy spenders because of the nature of their job and the peer pressure they experience. Its very hard kuenda kukunywa base ya keg when the guy you are supposed to do a collabo with anakwambia umpate Cavalli. You are forced to hang out where people in your industry hang out too and those places aren’t cheap.
Its very easy as a non-celeb kupigia celeb hesabu ya pesa without knowing the amount of peer pressure they experience. Wewe ukisota utawacha gari home uchukue ma3. Yeye akisota atumie ma3 atatrend and that’s Armageddon. Hakuna kitu mbaya kama kuwa celeb halafu isemekane umesota juu any pending deals get cancelled instantly and everyone avoids you like a cancer. If you do broke people shit and word breaks, your career is dead.
Celebs can spend intelligently and secure their future. But they are trapped in expensive lifestyles by default to keep their celebrity status. The smart ones have mastered the science of balling on a budget.
Balling on a budget means knowing which things impact the bottom-line (celebrity status/your income) and which ones don’t. You must know what to spend on and what to skimp on. For example, you must spend on a good ride, clothes, and hang out at cool spots. But as a celeb, you can skimp on where you live by getting a smaller but decent apartment farther from town, educating kids at affordable schools etc. You can live in a decent 2-bedroom apartment in Ruiru for 20k but drive a benz. People see the benz not where you live. You can use the car sparingly to save money. You can be smart when clubbing and instead of ordering single malts, just order sheesha and beer etc etc. In my experience, you get the same level of respect if you order sheesha as the guy drinking 10k+ single malts yet sheesha costs about 2k.
Nana owiti ni mkamba? I thought that was her official name
One has to be doing really bad to need something from Osoro. Huyo jamaa ni mtu juakali kabisa na greedy like nobody’s business. Tena he’s mean.
Alitoka Kwa umaskini but umaskini hujatoka kwake mentally.
Yeah he fell off kitambo. Me nakumbuka thinking how dope he was akiwa rabbit Kwa ile song Niko Kwa jam nakam
Child support ya 3 kids ni ngapi?
But its better to go separate ways than to live with a snake.
Mbona junguu and i hve m Mjuols specially made for you
we all know king kaka, mahn was a legend. sometimes even giants fall, I only pray he gets a soft landing.
Apparently he was a gambling addict. People, especially men, often find gambling attractive when they are in a financial mess. It is crystal clear that Kaka was/is having financial problems and that’s why the woman left.
A tale as old as time itself. When the money goes, the honeys don’t stay.
He will be dumped…sisters in law proved it…
Filisika umjue mkeo…wahenga na wahengusi hawakutuvisha vilemba vya ukoka
Wala kutupaka mafuta mgongoni waliponena haya maneno…
The last time I saw the guy betting in Dollars
Akijiita rabbit that’s when he was making hits, “Niko kwa jam nakam”.
same path as that machahari actor