As the oldest and wisest male here, The MIT, I want to declare as follows:
That it is the height of faggotry - kupanua matako - for a supposedly adult male African to call a vagina “nunu”. Its downright retarded really, and can only be done by boys who suffer from a complicated case of Oedipus Complex - so complicated that it involves masturbation to the mental image of their naked… (jijazieni).
If indeed you went to circumcision school and not those fake retreats by PCEA, you would know that no man worth his salt can refer to a plain old kuma/senye/pussy/keino/ketimba etc etc as “nunu” - that is for desperate ageing spinsters or singo mathas who come to the net to vent and show us all how brilliantly Americanised they are - really a pathetic display of sexual starvation and lives lived under the sensory deception of sex toys.
Mnaskia nyinyi brare niggas? No more use of the word nunu in this forum. Hiyo ujinga mpeleke Kilimani ama NunuBook, sawa?
Mwanamme hafai ubeba mizigo kama hiyo:
But then below is some of the people we borrowed our dressing culture from. And no. these arent clowns.
Irish military:
Albanian noble men:
Modern British male dress:
And no. They are not cross dressing faggots. Its just a legitimate dress from their cultural perspective.
I always wonder, what the FUC K would a guy need such a bag for…? are you carrying, it’s, that’s luggage…are you going to collect random debris as you walk?
what is in that bag?
is it @Jirani s emotional baggage?
are, are you carrying (hehehe this will get me into trouble) @msalame grace s lack of credibility?
Orangutan kumbaff you are now even copy pasting rants!
P. S The one Mr West is carrying is way cool and acceptable. Kama mnataka luggage ibebwe na jwala ile ya green/yellow not to be associated with anything close to female bags mumeze jembe.