CCTV Footage shows KU student died 3 days earlier

[SIZE=5]CCTV footage has revealed fresh details surrounding the death of a student at the Qwetu Hostels that occurred on Friday, October 1.[/SIZE]
The CCTV footage established that the female Kenyatta University (KU) student did not leave her room for three days before her body was found.

Qwetu Hostels, through a press statement, stated the CCTV footage captured the student leaving her room on the morning of September 27 then later returned in the afternoon.

After spending the afternoon locked in her room, the CCTV footage further showed lights being switched on along the corridor next to her room.

The recording further shows that the lights were switched off a few minutes later.
[SIZE=5]After that incident, the student did not leave her room for three days.[/SIZE]

cc: @Micymas , @Tom Bayeye , @TrumanCapote

CCTV footage has revealed fresh details surrounding the death of a student at the Qwetu Hostels that occurred on Friday, October 1.

[SIZE=5]The CCTV footage established that the female Kenyatta University (KU) student did not leave her room for three days before her body was found.

Qwetu Hostels, through a press statement, stated the CCTV footage captured the student leaving her room on the morning of September 27 then later returned in the afternoon.

After spending the afternoon locked in her room, the CCTV footage further showed lights being switched on along the corridor next to her room.

The recording further shows that the lights were switched off a few minutes later.

After that incident, the student did not leave her room for three days.

The footage captured a series of activities during the three days. The student is seen chatting briefly with a tenant. Then it captures three people who were identified as a security guard, receptionists, and a nurse. The trio peeps into the room before leaving.

The next CCTV cut captures police officers entering the room before leaving with a body bag.

According to Qwetu management, the activities were captured by 64 cameras fitted in the building.

“Every common room from corridors, gym, lifts are covered. The only thing we can’t see is what goes on inside the tenant’s room," Qwetu Hostels stated.

The student’s mother on the other hand is not convinced by the hostel’s account of events.

In a video making the rounds on social media, the woman accuses the hostel’s management of carelessness in how it handled her daughter’s death.

She further faulted the management of the premises for failing to inform her about the death but only learned of it through the police.

The mother cast doubt on the authenticity of a suicide note given to her, saying that if her daughter was indeed stressed, she would have talked to her therapist.

“We as Qwetu management want to confirm that nobody entered her room from the time the nurse, receptionist, and the security supervisor left,” they remarked.

“The supervisor informed the security manager, who in turn called the police. They arrived past noon, and they transferred the body to City Mortuary pending further investigations."

She joined KU on November 7, 2020, and she was last seen in class on September 27 before her death was announced.[/SIZE]

Hizo ni madimoni

The article says she was depressed and even had a therapist assigned to help so it might have been suicide. What caught my eye though is that according to research from kemri and uon, 36% of university students are said to be depressed with 39% female and 34% male. Surely, can depression be this high? How can girls be more depressed than men na ndio maisha ya boy hukuwa ngumu bana…

suicide, na ni kama alikua anapelekana na mamake mbio sana

Alipata ukedi?

Mental health among the citizens should be addressed urgently

Women are more susceptible to body shaming and trying to live up to the facade that is shosho media.
Kenya, sijui tulifikaje hapa, but we seem to glorify a get rich quick mentality pia. Mtu yuko campus na anataka kuishi the Kardashian life.
I’m grateful I grew up in simpler times.

We have some here on these streets that are afflicted by it.

Thoughts of a former US President that lost an election and prepuces preoccupies their every waking moment. Is that normal behavior? Let you decide.

Without culture and tradition in a society… therapists won’t help…

Social media partly

Having many partners at a time is the greatest source of depression. Having many partners is a norm amongst college lads

Hii research ya the Tonito Institute sijawahi skia. Ebu publish your findings ushinde award.

This incidents of parents especially single mothers losing their only children after investing so much in them is just heartbreaking. I’m so sorry for this mom, she did the best she could for this girl.

Parents, money, therapists and everything else can not take the place of God in your child’s life. From scratch. It shapes identity, direction, morals and just about everything about a person.

PROVERBS 22:6 KJV “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

I’m going to reiterate the role of fathers and father figures in children’s lives. Single mums you can’t play dad especially if you are not widowed and your child’s father has been in his or her life. Fathers and father figures give children an identity. A person who has no identity becomes like an amphibian, their person, values, identity (temperature) changes with the environment or people they find themselves around. That’s how frogs are boiled. They start off in cold water and as the water is boiling their temperature just changes gradually with the water until they boil to death.

Let’s be frank, our young people are seeing their predecessors bleak lives especially in the current state we are in as a country. Millions of unemployed youths. What can be worse than not having hope for a good future as a young person? This kids are just a by product of what our society has become. This is not the society we grew up in. Our parents were different. Very different. God was important to them. Morals and commitment to family was important to them. They disciplined us. They were available to us. They were our parents not our drinking and party buddies. These kids are lost.

RIP and Qwetu hostels please inform next of kin as soon as you are aware of death and I hope hamjaanza kusacrifice watu ndio mupate business it’s just the other day 8 men died in one of your construction site.

so sad.
Pole sana

In my opinion, comparing yourself to others is the greatest source of depression. Not meeting the herd’s expectations, or at least in the suicidees mind they have not met some societal standard. Ati marafiki wako walienda concert na wewe home mmesota hungeweza enda. Or Johntez amekuwacha sasa unaanza kufikiria utaambia girl-squad nini? Ama ulitombewa Gloria sasa unaona fellow idlers kwa mawe watakucheka unaona dunia itaisha. I had a friend who lost his job, then the wife ran away with his son, he spiraled into alcoholism and finally suicide.

Najua ni serious issue by the way, but when you take a closer look, it’s usually something that could have been weathered. Sometimes even just by someone close reaching out and giving a hug and reassuring that this too can be overcome. I’m no mental health professional, and I genuinely hope am not spreading quack advice. I stand to be corrected but this is my genuine opinion.

Truck driver Ochollah sisi kama MAGA tuko tu sawa. :D:D

Wewe ndio unakuwaga depressed hapa, threatening people with fake threats about doxxing them as if tunakuogopa wewe pamoja na hio 4.873kg foreskin yako. OCHOLLAH NO ONE IS SCARED OF YOU OR YOUR 4.873KG FORESKIN MATAWI, PREPUCE FOLDS!

This, alone, can make the difference between life and death.

More girls than boys are likely to suffer from depression. That explains why suicide is highly prevalent in girls.

However, more boys than girls are likely to die in their first suicide attempt. Probably because boys are more “competent.”

Haya umenitag,swali nilikuuliza ni mbona hostel ilete makarao,move the body to the morgue and label it as unknown? Clearly the hostel knew who she was and her therapy.The fact that she was in the room for three days shows she was living alone hence easy to know who was residing there. Hio ingine ni informeshen,tayari headlines are calling it a mystery due to the handling of the whole situation. Wheather she was killed ,suicided or other,the next of kin should have been informed regardless of anything, any other information she should have got from the cops but as usual the D minuses never failed her,they called at 2pm

Be patient with my ignorance, but I always thought calling the police is the first course of action? Mimi ukufie kwangu am not taking you to the morgue. I’m calling the cops first.
Alafu hii am sure, Qwetu home EVERYONE stays alone or at least they are supposed to. Even the “sharing” hostels are only really sharing a kitchen and bathroom.